Competition within the telecommunications companies is growing
fiercer by the day. Therefore, it is vital to ensure a high level
of quality and reliability within all telecommunications systems in
order to guard against faults and the failure of components and
network services. Within large scale systems such quality and
reliability problems are ever higher.
The metrics of Quality and Reliability have to date only been
available in journals and technical reports of companies which have
designed or produced major parts of systems used in large
applications. This book provides a self-contained treatment
enabling the reader to be able to produce, define and utilise the
metrics of Quality and Reliability required for the design and
implementation of a large application such as a world class event
as the Olympic Games. An additional outcome is that this book can
be used as a guide for producing an ISO standard for large scale
Systems such as the Olympic Games.
* Provides presentations of techniques used for solving quality and
reliability problems in telecommunications networks replete with
illustrations of their applications to real-world services and
world class events
* Individual chapters written by respective international experts
within their fields
This will prove highly informative for Practising engineers,
researchers and telecommunications professionals, academics and
graduate students in telecommunications, standards bodies and
organisations such as ISO.
Table of Content
List of Contributors.
1 Introduction.
2 Reliability.
Reliability of Emerging Internet-based Services (H. Eslambolchi
and M. Daneshmand).
Reliability Issues in IP over Photonic Networks (S. Arakawa and
M. Murata).
3 Survivability.
Key Issues in Survivable Cellular Systems (H. Sandalidis and P.
Survivability in Wireless Mobile Networks (T. Dahlberg, et
4 Quality.
Quality of Service Mechanisms in Multimedia Telecommunication
Services (G. Rovithakis, et al.).
Qo S Metrics for Performance Assessment in Integrated
Terrestrial-Satellite Multimedia Systems (A. Iera and A.
TCP/IP-based Protocols over Satellite Systems: A
Telecommunication Issue (M. Marchese).
Outage Performance Considerations in Cellular Mobile Radio
Networks (G. Karagiannidis and S. Kotsopoulos).
Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio in Communication Systems
as a Quality Measure (A. Sampath and D. Jeske).
5 A pplications.
Quality Wireless Broadband Home Networking (H. Zhang).
A Reliable ATM Switch Design (Z. El-Saghir and A. Grzech).
Quality of Service via an Optimal Routing Model (E. Aboelela and
C. Douligeris).
About the author
Peter Stavroulakis is the editor of Reliability, Survivability and Quality of Large Scale Telecommunication Systems: Case Study: Olympic Games, published by Wiley.