This book documents and examines the state of health of coral reefs in the eastern tropical Pacific region. It touches on the occurrence of coral reefs in the waters of surrounding countries, and it explores their biogeography, biodiversity and condition relative to the El Niño southern oscillation and human impacts. Additionally contained within is a field that presents information on many of the species presented in the preceding chapters.
Table of Content
1. History of Eastern Pacific Coral Reef Research.- 2. Revisiting the Cenozoic History and the Origin of the Eastern Pacific Coral Fauna.- 3. Oceanographic Conditions of the Eastern Tropical Pacific.- 4. El Niño and Southern Oscillation (ENSO): A Review.- 5. Eastern Pacific Coral Reef Provinces, Coral Community Structure and Composition: An Overview.- 6. Holocene Reef Development in the Eastern Tropical Pacific.- 7. Marine Biodiversity of Eastern Tropical Pacific Coral Reefs.- 8. El Niño-Southern Oscillation: Effects on Eastern Pacific Coral Reefs and Associated Biota.- 9. Trophodynamics of Eastern Pacific Coral Reefs.- 10. Corallivory in the Eastern Pacific.- 11. Algal Dynamics: Alternate Stable States of reefs in the Eastern Tropical Pacific.- 12. Coral Reef Bioerosion in the Eastern Tropical Pacific.- 13. Diversity, Distribution and Stability of Symbiodinium in Reef Corals of the Eastern Tropical Pacific.- 14. Insights from the Application of Genetics on Pocillopora-Symbiodinium Associations in the Eastern Tropical Pacific.- 15. Coral Reproduction in the Eastern Pacific.- 16. Gene Flow of Coral Reef Organisms of the Tropical Eastern Pacific.- 17. Thermal Refuges and Refugia for Stony Corals in the Eastern Tropical Pacific.- 18. Effects of Global Warming and Ocean Acidification on Carbonate Budgets of Eastern Pacific Coral Reefs.- 19. Reef-based Reconstructions of Eastern Pacific Climate Variability.- 20. Coral Reef Conservation in the Eastern Tropical Pacific.- 21. Human Influences on Eastern Tropical Pacific Coral Communities and Coral Reefs.