Race, ethnicity and nation are all intimately linked to family and kinship, yet these links deserve closer attention than they usually get in social science, above all when family and kinship are changing rapidly in the context of genomic and biotechnological revolutions. Drawing on data from assisted reproduction, transnational adoption, mixed race families, Basque identity politics and post-Soviet nation-building, this volume provides new and challenging ways to understand race, ethnicity and nation.
Table of Content
Preface and Acknowledgements
Chapter 1. Race, Ethnicity and Nation: Perspectives from Kinship and Genetics
Peter Wade
Chapter 2. Race, Genetics and Inheritance: Reflections upon the Birth of ‘Black’ Twins to a ‘White’ IVF Mother
Katharine Tyler
Chapter 3. Race, Biology and Culture in Contemporary Norway: Identity and Belonging in Adoption, Donor Gametes and Immigration
Signe Howell and Marit Melhuus
Chapter 4. ‘I want her to learn her language and maintain her culture.’ Transnational Adoptive Families’ Views of ‘Cultural Origins’
Diana Marre
Chapter 5. Racialization, Genes and the Reinventions of Nation in Europe
Ben Campbell
Chapter 6. Kinship, Language and the Dynamics of Race: The Basque Case
Enric Porqueres i Gené
Chapter 7. The Transmission of Ethnicity: Family and State – A Lithuanian Perspective
Darius Daukšas
Chapter 8. Media Storylines of Culturally Hybrid Persons and Nation
Ben Campbell
About the author
Peter Wade is Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Manchester. His publications include Blackness and Race Mixture (1993), Race and Ethnicity in Latin America (1997), Music, Race and Nation: Música Tropical in Colombia (2000), Race, Nature and Culture: An Anthropological Perspective (2002). His current research focuses on issues of racial identity, embodiment and new genetic and information technologies.