“Dr. Phil” (Phillip C. Mc Graw, Ph.D.) is the host of America’s number one daytime talk show and is perhaps the most well-known expert in the field of psychology and human functioning in the world today. In his 18th year on television and his 13th year of the Dr. Phil show, he has devoted his international platform to delivering common sense information to individuals and families seeking to improve their lives. Passionately pursuing such topics as family functioning, domestic violence, anti-bullying, addiction, and the myths of mental illness, he works tirelessly both on and off the air. Dr. Phil has carried his message from the senate chambers of Washington, D.C. to the suburbs and inner cities across America. Dr. Phil is the prolific author of seven number one New York Times best-sellers, published in 39 languages with nearly 30 million copies in print. He and Robin, his wife of 39 years and counting, along with their “wonder dog, ” Maggie, reside in Southern California, as do their two sons, Jordan and Jay, along with daughter-in-law, Erica, and two grandchildren, Avery Elizabeth and London Phillip.
10 Ebooks by Phil McGraw
Phil McGraw: The 20/20 Diet
In The 20/20 Diet, Dr. Phil Mc Graw identifies seven reasons other diets fail people over and over again: hunger, cravings, feeling of restriction, impracticality and expense, boredom, temptations, an …
Phil McGraw: Life Code
The rules for living in the real world have changed, because the world we live in has changed. Much of the conventional wisdom the last generation has passed on just doesn’t apply like it once did. I …
Madeline Bernstein: Designer Dogs: An Exposé
Designer Dogs is the shocking exposure of the dangers of continuing to make our dogs tinier or funnier looking, more “Instagram worthy, ” and presents startling new revelations on why this threatens …
Phil McGraw: Self Matters
In Self Matters, Dr. Phillip C. Mc Graw helps you to demystify your self-concept, and learn how to reclaim your authentic self.What if there is a You that has never seen the light of day, has never g …
Phil McGraw: Ultimate Weight Solution
Free yourself from diets that don’t work and discover The Ultimate Weight Solution.You have made the decision to take control of your weight, but diets don’t seem to work and they aren’t always susta …
Phil McGraw: Family First
Do you feel that your family is not what it used to be, or what it has the potential to be? Do you worry that the parenting decisions you’re making today may be scarring your child for life? Do you s …
Phil McGraw: Real Life
The #1 New York Times bestselling advice guru, Dr. Phil Mc Graw, presents a practical and inspiring guide to overcoming lifes seven biggest crises.Sooner or later, every adult faces a potentially dev …
Phil McGraw: Love Smart
In Love Smart, bestselling author Dr. Phil Mc Graw tells people who are dissatisfied with their love lives to stop making excuses and start taking action.You deserve a committed relationship and it’s …
Tony Beshara & Phil McGraw: Powerful Phrases for Successful Interviews
The job market is full of qualified applicants–which means the next position you apply for will be filled by the candidate who gives the right answers. How confident are you that your responses are …
Ann-Margaret Carrozza: Love & Money
I have often said that money problems are not solved with money. Ann-Margaret understands it is not what you make but what you keep that matters. You will read this once and refer to it for years to …