Appreciated by thousands of thoughtful students, successful managers, and aspiring senior leaders around the world
Communicating for Managerial Effectiveness skillfully integrates theory, research, and real-world case studies into models designed to guide thoughtful responses to complex communication issues. The highly anticipated Sixth Edition builds on the strategic principles and related tactics highlighted in previous editions to show readers how to add value to their organizations by communicating more effectively. Author Phillip G. Clampitt (Blair Endowed Chair of Communication at the University of Wisconsin–Green Bay) addresses common communication problems experienced in organizations, including:
- Communicating about major changes spanning organizational boundaries
- Selecting the proper communication technologies
- Transforming data into knowledge
- Addressing ethical dilemmas
- Providing useful performance feedback
- Structuring and using robust decision-making practices
- Cultivating the innovative spirit
- Building a world-class communication system
Table of Content
Chapter 1. Understanding Communication
Implications of the Propositions
Key Concepts
“Drill Down” Exercises
Chapter 2. Examining Communication Approaches
The Arrow Approach
The Circuit Approach
Communication as Dance
Key Concepts
“Drill Down” Exercises
Chapter 3. Scrutinizing Ethical Issues
Fundamental Assumptions
Ethical Dilemmas
A Strategic Approach to Corporate Ethics
Key Concepts
“Drill Down” Exercises
Chapter 4. Imparting the Organizational Culture
What Is Culture?
Does Culture Matter?
How Can We Discover Culture?
How Can We Evaluate Culture?
How Can Leaders Effectively Impart the Culture?
Key Concepts
“Drill Down” Exercises
Chapter 5. Selecting and Using Communication Technologies
The B – C Model: A Deeper Look
How Perspective Affects Value
What to Do?
Key Concepts
“Drill Down” Exercises
Chapter 6. Managing Data, Information, Knowledge, and Action
The D-I-K-A Model
Variations of the Model
Managing the Data–Information Relationship
Managing the Information–Knowledge Relationship
Managing the Knowledge–Action Relationship
Key Concepts
“Drill Down” Exercises
Chapter 7. Providing Performance Feedback
Performance Feedback Principles
Implementing a Successful Feedback System
Communicating Performance Feedback
Key Concepts
“Drill Down” Exercises
Chapter 8. Communicating across Organizational Boundaries
The Nature of Boundaries
Potential Problems of Boundaries
Contributing Factors
What to Do?
Key Concepts
“Drill Down” Exercises
Chapter 9. Structuring and Using Robust Decision-Making Practices
Decision-Making Tensions
Pre-Decision-Making Checklist
The Robust Decision-Making Model
Strategies for Optimizing the Decision-Making Process
Key Concepts
“Drill Down” Exercises
Chapter 10. Communicating about Change
Approaches to Change
Selecting the Degree of Communication
Reactions to Change
The “Iceberg” Model
Key Concepts
“Drill Down” Exercises
Chapter 11. Cultivating the Innovative Spirit
What Is Innovation?
A Perspective on Success and Failure
Strategic Traffic Signals
Key Concepts
“Drill Down” Exercises
Chapter 12. Building a World-Class Communication System
The Assess–Strategize–Implement Cycle in Action
Key Concepts
“Drill Down” Exercises
About the Author
About the author
Phillip G. Clampitt received his Ph.D. in organizational communication from the University of Kansas. He holds the Blair Endowed Chair of Communication and was previously the Hendrickson Professor of Business at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay where he is a full professor. Dr. Clampitt is the chair of four units at UWGB: Information & Computing Science, Communication, Computer Science, and Information Science. Sage Publications recently published the sixth edition of his best-selling book, Communicating for Managerial Effectiveness 6e. He co-authored two books with Robert J. De Koch (President/COO of the Boldt Company): Embracing Uncertainty: The Essence of Leadership and Transforming Leaders into Progress Makers. Phil’s work on “Decision Downloading” was featured in the MIT Sloan Management Review and the Wall Street Journal. Additionally, he has published in numerous journals, including The Academy of Management Executive, Journal of Communication Management, Journal of Business Communication and Management Communication Quarterly. He has contributed chapters to numerous works including: Handbook of Communication Audits for Organisations, Communication Audits, and the International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication. He also is on the editorial board of many professional journals. Over the past thirty years he has worked on communication and leadership issues with many organizations including Nokia, Pepsi Co, Schneider National, The Boldt Company, Dental City, National University and the Menasha Corporation. Phil has been a guest speaker at the U.S. Army War College where they use his books in their Strategic Leadership class. In addition to many guest-speaking opportunities in the U.S., he has also been invited to speak internationally at places such as The University of Pisa, The University of Aberdeen, The University of Ulster, as well as to numerous multi-national businesses and professional organizations. His students have heard him ask, ‘So what?’ so often that they started calling him “Dr. So What.” Subsequently, he developed a related website ( that highlights his passionate commitment to critical thinking and thoughtful inquiry.