An Inspiration to All Who Struggle for Religious and Gender Equality
“Our souls yearn to pray, in peace, in the sacred place, to read from our holy Torah, together with other Jewish women.”
—from the
In Israel today, the historic Western Wall, known as the Kotel, a holy site for Jewish people, is under the religious authority of the Orthodox rabbinate. Women have only limited rights to practice Jewish ritual in its precincts.
This passionate book documents the legendary grassroots and legal struggle of a determined group of Jewish women from Israel, the United States, and other parts of the world—known as the Women of the Wall—to win the right to pray out loud together as a group, according to Jewish law; wear ritual objects; and read from Torah scrolls at the Western Wall.
Eyewitness accounts of physical violence and intimidation, inspiring personal stories, and interpretations of legal and classical Jewish (halakhic) texts bring to life the historic and ongoing struggle that the Women of the Wall face in their everyday fight for religious and gender equality.
Table of Content
Prayer for Women of the Wall Rahel Jaskow Preface Acknowledgments Introduction Phyllis Chesler and Rivka Hautxix part i Women Who Pray at the Kotel: In Their Own Words Drama in Jerusalem Bonna Haberman Encountering Fear Sharon Pikus. A Personal Account Rahel Jaskow Interview with Anat Hoffman Phyllis Chesler Sacred Tears Rabbi Geela Rayzel Raphael Torah Dedication Ceremony Harriet Kurlander Tzitzit and Tefillin at the Kotel Haviva Ner-David The Kotel and Me Danielle Bernstein Reawakening Karen Erlichman With Strings Attached: A Jew Wears a Tallit to the Kotel Bat Melech (Pseudonym) A Worshiper from Brazil Celia Szterenfeld. Turning Point Rebecca Schwartz My Daughter’s Bat Mitzvah Sue Polansky. part ii Legal and Political Analysis The Fight against Being Silenced Frances Raday Scenes from a Courtroom Susan Alter The Lawsuit: –Present Miriam Benson Stone Song Rabbi Myriam Klotz. The Politics of Women of the Wall Susan Aranoff Dominion of Arrogance Leslie J. Klein part iii Denominational Views Why? A Reform Rabbi’s Answer Rabbi Helene Ferris Encompassing Diversity Beryl Michaels Against the Wall Rabbi Deborah J. Brin My Father’s Tallit Aliza Metzner A Wall That Matters and Others That Don’t: A Meta-Denominational View Shulamit Magnus A Moving Experience Sandy Starkman Impressions Harriet Pass Freidenreich Meditation and Conflict: A Journey on Paper Lilly Rivlin Chodesh Tov Gavrielle Levine The Tears of My Soul Rabbi Susan Grossman Beyond My Wildest Dreams Marion Krug. part iv Halakhic Theory and Ritual Objects Orthodox Women’s Spirituality Rivka Haut Shema B’Kolah: On Listening to Women’s Voices in Prayer Norma Baumel Joseph. Women and Ritual Artifacts Vanessa L. Ochs Toward a Psychology of Liberation: Feminism and Religion—a Conclusion Phyllis Chesler Epilogue: Rosh Chodesh Adar Chaia Beckerman, Betsy Kallus, and Rahel Jaskow A Chronology of Women of the Wall Notes Suggested Reading About the Contributors Index About Jewish Lights Photograph Section
About the author
Rivka Haut is also a founder of the International Committee for Women of the Wall, and a codirector. She is the coeditor of Daughters of the King: Women and the Synagogue. She is the director of the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance’s Agunah Advocacy Project.