Author: Pierre Ch. Marcel

Howard Griffith has served as Pastor of All Saints Reformed Presbyterian Church in Richmond, Virginia, since 1985. He holds masters degrees from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, and a BA in Religious Studies from the University of Virginia. His publications include “The Churchly Theology of Basil”s De Spiritu Sancto, ” in Covenant Seminary Review; “Eschatology Begins with Creation, ” in Westminster Theological Journal; and contributions to the Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, edited by Walter Elwell.

1 Ebooks by Pierre Ch. Marcel

Pierre Ch. Marcel: In God’s School
In God’s School (A L’ Ecole de Dieu) is foundational Christian instruction. It follows the outline of John Calvin’s Geneva Catechism along with the Heidelberg Catechism. According to the ancient prac …