Author: Pierre Mouche

Wim Heijman (1953) received MSc degrees respectively in Economics and Human Geography from Tilburg University and the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands. He received his Ph D degree from Wageningen University. In 2000 he was appointed Professor of Regional Economics at the latter university. He is also teaching micro- and macro subjects in undergraduate and graduate courses. Pierre von Mouche (1959) studied theoretical physics and mathematics at the University of Nijmegen. He received his Ph D from the University of Utrecht under the supervision of Hans Duistermaat. Since 1989 he helds a position in economics at Wageningen University. His scientific interest concerns in particular mathematical economics.

1 Ebooks by Pierre Mouche

Wim Heijman & Pierre Mouche: New Insights into the Theory of Giffen Goods
One might expect that after their identification in the 19th century, all aspects of Giffen goods would have been studied by now. This appears not to be the case. This book contains the latest insigh …