This book is dedicated to the application of the different theoretical models described in Volume 1 to identify the near-, mid- and far-infrared spectra of linear and nonlinear triatomic molecules in gaseous phase or subjected to environmental constraints, useful for the study of environmental sciences, planetology and astrophysics.
The Van Vleck contact transformation method, described in Volume 1, is applied in the calculation and analysis of IR transitions between vibration-ro...
Table of Content
1. Symmetry of Triatomic Molecules.
2. Energy Levels of Triatomic Molecules in Gaseous Phase.
3. Clathrate Nano-Cages.
4. Nano-Cages of Noble Gas Matrices.
5. E...
About the author
Pierre-Richard Dahoo is Professor at the University of Versailles St Quentin (UVSQ), researcher at LATMOS, UMR 8190 CNRS, Manager of the University Institute of Tec...