Author: Pierre Ruterana

Isabella Grzegory, High Pressure Research Center, Poland Pierre Gibart, CRHEA-CNRS, France A. Georgakilas, Microelectronics Research Group, Greece Agnès Trassoudaine, Université Blaise Pascal, France V. Yu. Davydov, Polytekhnicheskaya, Russia Jörg Neugebauer, Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG, Germany Ph. Komninou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Pierre Ruterana, ESCTM-CRISMAT, France P. J. Hartlieb, North Carolina State University Raleigh, USA H. Amano; Meijo University, Japan Hadis Morkoç, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA Franck Omnes, CRHEA/CNRS, France

1 Ebooks by Pierre Ruterana

Pierre Ruterana & Martin Albrecht: Nitride Semiconductors
Semiconductor components based on silicon have been used in a wide range of applications for some time now. These elemental semiconductors are now well researched and technologically well developed. …