Professor Romney′s recent research has focused on human color vision ranging from cross-cultural studies of color perception to representing physical reflectance spectra in low dimensional Euclidean space (selected items available in pdf format below). Other research interests include comparative cognitive studies of semantic structures, the measurement of cultural knowledge using culture consensus theory, and multidimensional scaling. He was a Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences in 1956-57. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a Member of the National Academy of Sciences.
4 Ebooki wg A. Kimball Romney
Susan C. Weller & A. Kimball Romney: Systematic Data Collection
The process of collecting accurate data through interviewing, questionnaires, and other methods has not always been clear. However, data collection in field settings can be done in a structured, syst …
Michael D’Zmura & Donald D. Hoffman: Geometric Representations of Perceptual Phenomena
Based on a conference held in honor of Professor Tarow Indow, this volume is organized into three major topics concerning the use of geometry in perception: * space — referring to attempts to repres …
Michael D’Zmura & Donald D. Hoffman: Geometric Representations of Perceptual Phenomena
Based on a conference held in honor of Professor Tarow Indow, this volume is organized into three major topics concerning the use of geometry in perception: * space — referring to attempts to repres …
A. Kimball (University of California, Irvine, USA) Romney & Susan C. (University of Texas Medical Branch-Galveston) Weller: Systematic Data Collection
The process of collecting accurate data through interviewing, questionnaires, and other methods has not always been clear. However, data collection in field settings can be done in a structured, syst …