Ahmed Amine Jerraya is Research Director with CNRS and is currently managing research dealing with Multiprocessor System-on-Chips at TIMA Laboratory, France. He received a degree in engineering from the University of Tunis in 1980 and the D.E.A., „Docteur Ingénieur”, and the „Docteur d”Etat” degrees from the University of Grenoble in 1981, 1983, and 1989 respectively, all in computer sciences. From April 1990 to March 1991, he was a Member of the Scientific Staff at Nortel in Canada, working on linking system design tools and hardware design environments. He served as General Chair for the Conference DATE in 2001 and published more than 200 papers in International Conferences and Journals. He received the Best Paper Award at the 1994 ED&TC for his work on Hardware/Software Co-simulation.
Gabriela Nicolescu is currently professor at Ecole Polytechnique Montreal teaching embed systems design and real-time systems. She received a degree in engineering and Ms.S. from Polytechnic University of Romania in 1998 and „Docteur Ingénieur” degree from the University of Grenoble, France in 2002. Her research work is in the field of specification and validation of heterogeneous systems and multi-processor system-on-chip design. She published more then 40 papers in International Conference and Journals
2 Ebooki wg Ahmed A. Jerraya
G. Nicolescu & Ahmed A. Jerraya: Global Specification and Validation of Embedded Systems
Global Specification and Validation of Embedded Systems offers a deep understanding of concepts and practices behind the composition of heterogeneous components. After the analysis of existing comput …
Katalin Popovici & Frédéric Rousseau: Embedded Software Design and Programming of Multiprocessor System-on-Chip
Current multimedia and telecom applications require complex, heterogeneous multiprocessor system on chip (MPSo C) architectures with specific communication infrastructure in order to achieve the requ …