Alberto Gabriele is the author of Reading Popular Culture in Victorian Print: Belgravia and Sensationalism and the forthcoming Sensationalism and the Genealogy of Modernity: A Global Nineteenth-Century Perspective. He is working on a project on the global circulation of print culture in the 1860s and has been, most recently, a Macgeorge fellow at the University of Melbourne, Australia.
10 Ebooki wg Alberto Gabriele
Alberto Gabriele: The Emergence of Pre-Cinema
The book investigates the dispersed emergence of the new visual regime associated with nineteenth-century pre-cinematic spectacles in the literary imagination of the previous centuries. Its comparati …
Alberto Gabriele: Sensationalism and the Genealogy of Modernity
This book maps out the temporal and geographic coordinates of the trope of sensationalism in the long nineteenth century through a comparative approach. Not only juxtaposing different geographical ar …
Alberto Gabriele: Economy of Cuba after the VI Party Congress
This book is the product of collaborations between Cuban and European social scientists. Without ignoring the devastating impact of the US embargo, it shows that Cuba’s grave economic impasse is endo …
Alberto Gabriele: Enterprises, Industry and Innovation in the People’s Republic of China
This book analyses and critically evaluates the development of two key components of China’s economy: the network of productive enterprises, and the national innovation system, from the incepti …
Wenbiao Wu: Development of Science and Technology of Food Resources
This monograph discusses systematic knowledge related to the science and technology of sustainable food resources. The book is written principally based on the author’s own research results that have …
Alberto Gabriele & Elias Jabbour: Socialist Economic Development in the 21st Century
Over a hundred years after the first socialist revolution broke the global monopoly of capitalism, a new class of socialist-oriented socioeconomic development is coming to the fore. Capitalism is sti …
Alberto Gabriele & Elias Jabbour: Socialist Economic Development in the 21st Century
Over a hundred years after the first socialist revolution broke the global monopoly of capitalism, a new class of socialist-oriented socioeconomic development is coming to the fore. Capitalism is sti …
Elias Jabbour & Alberto Gabriele: China
Escrito para o público geral, o livro China: o socialismo do século XXI é um meticuloso trabalho teórico e estatístico de Elias Jabbour e Alberto Gabriele. A obra analisa a República Popular da China …
Alberto Gabriele: The Nineteenth-Century Novel and the Pre-Cinematic Imagination
This book fills a gap in existing scholarship on the history of the novel in relation to visual culture by discussing the visual fascination that novelists such as Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melvill …
Alberto Gabriele: L’economia cinese contemporanea
Negli ultimi quarantacinque anni la Repubblica popolare cinese ha compiuto uno straordinario “balzo in avanti”, di portata storica senza precedenti. Tra i Paesi più poveri al mondo nel Novecento, ogg …