Alberto Romele is Postdoctoral Researcher at the ETHICS Lab of the Lille Catholic University, France. He has previously been Assistant Professor in modern and contemporary philosophy at the University of Burgundy, and Postdoctoral Research Fellow of the Portuguese national research agency (FCT) at the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Porto. His research focuses on hermeneutics, philosophy of technology, and theories of the digital. Enrico Terrone is Postdoctoral Researcher at the Università di Torino, Italy, and Associate Researcher at Collège d’études mondiales, Paris, France. He was awarded a Fellowship in Bonn (Käte Hamburger Kolleg) and one in Paris (FMSH – Gerda Henkel Stiftung). His work ranges aesthetics, social ontology and philosophy of technology. His primary area of research is philosophy of film.
7 Ebooki wg Alberto Romele
Alberto Romele & Enrico Terrone: Towards a Philosophy of Digital Media
This book uses the conceptual tools of philosophy to shed light on digital media and on the way in which they bear upon our existence. At the turn of the century, the rise of digital media significan …
Alberto Romele: Digital Hermeneutics
This is the first monograph to develop a hermeneutic approach to the digital-as both a technological milieu and a cultural phenomenon. While philosophical in its orientation, the book covers a wide b …
Alberto Romele: Digital Hermeneutics
This is the first monograph to develop a hermeneutic approach to the digital-as both a technological milieu and a cultural phenomenon. While philosophical in its orientation, the book covers a wide b …
Mark Coeckelbergh & Wessel Reijers: Interpreting Technology
Paul Ricur has been one of the most influential and intellectually challenging philosophers of the last century, and his work has contributed to a vast array of fields: studies of language, of histor …
Alberto Romele: Digital Habitus
This book proposes a new theoretical framework for approaching the causes and effects that digital technologies and the imaginaries related to them have on the processes of self-interpretation and su …
Alberto Romele: Digital Habitus
This book proposes a new theoretical framework for approaching the causes and effects that digital technologies and the imaginaries related to them have on the processes of self-interpretation and su …
Alberto Romele: Le Transhumanisme : une anthologie
Considéré à ses débuts comme une sous-culture d’origine californienne ou un mouvement de futurologie, le courant de pensée du transhumanisme est aujourd’hui discuté dans des cercles académiques, poli …