Moonchild, a novel by the infamous occultist Aleister Crowley, takes readers into the depths of magical warfare, astral realms, and the struggle between light and dark forces. Set in the early 20th century, this tale follows the adventures of a young woman named Lisa la Giuffria, chosen by a mysterious magician, Cyril Grey, to be the mother of a powerful supernatural entity known as the 'Moonchild.’ Cyril and his allies are locked in a battle with sinister black magicians who seek to thwart their efforts and harness dark powers for themselves.
Blending occult themes, mysticism, and Crowley’s own philosophical ideas, Moonchild is both a gripping story of magical conflict and a vehicle for Crowley’s unique vision of the world. Delving into the hidden truths of human nature, spiritual enlightenment, and the universal struggle between good and evil, this work invites readers to explore the fringes of reality and the powerful realms of the unseen.
Enter a world where magic is real, and power is boundless…
When young artist Lisa la Giuffria meets the enigmatic Cyril Grey, she’s drawn into a world of arcane rituals and cosmic ambitions. Tasked with an extraordinary mission, Cyril and his companions must protect Lisa from the forces of darkness and help her give birth to a 'Moonchild, ’ an entity destined to change the course of humanity.
But they aren’t alone. A dark brotherhood stands against them, wielding ancient powers in a bid for control. In a thrilling journey through the occult, Crowley weaves a spellbinding tale of sorcery, destiny, and the eternal struggle between light and shadow.
Will they succeed, or will the dark forces win the day? Step into Moonchild and experience the electrifying conflict for the soul of humankind.