Dr Alison Alexander is a seventh-generation Australian, with convict ancestors in the first, second and third fleet. She has worked as a freelance historian and as a lecturer and tutor in history at the University of Tasmania. Alison is editor of the Companion to Tasmanian History and has written seventeen commissioned histories of Tasmanian institutions. She has also written biographies of authors Mary Grant Bruce and Marie Bjelke-Petersen, and a combined biography of governors” wives and mistresses in early Van Diemen”s Land.
6 Ebooki wg Alison Alexander
Alison Alexander: Mentoring Schemes for Young People
Orignally published in 2000, this resource, consisting of a handbook and a training guide, offers a comprehensive guide to establishing, maintaining and evaluating a mentoring project. It: looks at t …
Alison Alexander & Rodney A. Carveth: Media Economics
Media Economics: Theory and Practice focuses on the basic principles of economics in the business sector and applies them to contemporary media industries. This text examines the process of media eco …
Alison Alexander & Rodney A. Carveth: Media Economics
Media Economics: Theory and Practice focuses on the basic principles of economics in the business sector and applies them to contemporary media industries. This text examines the process of media eco …
Alison Alexander & Rodney A. Carveth: Media Economics
Media Economics: Theory and Practice focuses on the basic principles of economics in the business sector and applies them to contemporary media industries. This text examines the process of media eco …
Alison F. (University of Georgia, USA) Alexander & W. James (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA) Potter: How to Publish Your Communication Research: An Insider’s Guide
Well-known journal editors and Communication scholars Alison Alexander and W. James Potter provide an insider’s guide to getting published in scholarly communication journals. Alexander and Potter be …
C P Lewis: Anglo-Norman Studies XXXIII
A series which is a model of its kind EDMUND KING, HISTORY The latest volume of Battle Conference proceedings emphasizes the European range and interdisciplinarity of the series. It opens with Anne D …