This book offers a wide variety of health care professionals an
invaluable and long-awaited resource for the proper assessment,
treatment, and management of personality disordered individuals.
* Addresses clinical practice issues related to the
understanding, assessment and treatment of people who have been
diagnosed with a personality disorder
* Focuses on the experience, practice and emerging ideas and
findings of practitioners in the field
* Reflects the multidisciplinary nature of practice in the
* Aimed at practitioners working in high security hospitals,
prisons and other community services
Spis treści
About the Contributors vii
Preface xi
Eddie Kane
Introduction xiii
Allison Tennant and Kevin Howells
Chapter 1 Setting the Scene: National Developments in Services 1
John Milton and Gopi Krishnan
Chapter 2 Risk Assessment for Aggressive Behaviour in Personality Disorder 15
Michael Daffern
Chapter 3 Ready or Not, They Are Coming: Dangerous and Severe Personality Disorder and Treatment Engagement 33
Kevin Howells and Allison Tennant
Chapter 4 Case Formulation with Personality Disordered Offenders 45
Lawrence Jones
Chapter 5 Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Targeting Violent Behaviour in a Male Forensic In-Patient Setting 63
Allison Tennant
Chapter 6 Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT): A Treatment Approach for Treating People with Severe
Personality Disorder 81
Jackie Withers
Chapter 7 Schema Therapy Within a High Secure Setting 95
Kerry Beckley and Neil Gordon
Chapter 8 Violent Offending Treatment for Male Patients with Personality Disorder 111
Louise Sainsbury
Chapter 9 Working with People Who Have Committed Sexual Offences with Personality Disorder Diagnoses 125
Lawrence Jones
Chapter 10 Working with Personality Disordered Offenders Who Have Substance Misuse Problems 141
Glen Thomas and Jackie Withers
Chapter 11 Recovery from Personality Disorder: Maintaining Change 153
Jackie Withers
Chapter 12 Adult Learning and Personality Disorders 167
Perdita Jackson, Clare Thurlow and David Underwood
Chapter 13 The Boundary Seesaw Model: Good Fences Make for Good Neighbours 181
Laura Hamilton
Chapter 14 Afterthoughts on Personality Disorder and Risk: Tasks for the Future 195
Richard Howard and Kevin Howells
Index 205
O autorze
Allison Tennant is a Nurse Consultant and works at The Peaks
Unit at Rampton Hospital Nottinghamshire Health Care
NHS Trust. She is a Cognitive Behavioural therapist, and leads
the Dialectical Behavioural (DBT) programme in the
Unit. Her other interests include treatment evaluation
and developing frameworks to ensure that staff receive clinical
supervision to help maintain a healthy workforce.
Kevin Howells is a chartered clinical and forensic
psychologist. He has worked extensively as a practitioner,
researcher and academic in the fields of forensic mental health and
rehabilitation of offenders. He is Professor of
Forensic/Clinical Psychology in the Institute of Mental Health at
Nottingham University, a Fellow of the British Psychological
Society, and Academic Chair in the Peaks Unit at Rampton