The SAGE Handbook of Dyslexia is a comprehensive overview of a complex field. It is a rich, critical assessment of past and present theory and current research, which also looks to the future. The editors have brought together key figures from the international academic world – both researchers and practitioners – to examine the relationships between theoretical paradigms, research and practice, and to map new areas of research.
The book has 5 main sections:
– neurological/genetic perspectives
– cognitive and learning perspectives
– educational influences
– beyond school
– international perspectives.
Spis treści
Introduction – Gavin Reid et al
The Origin of Dyslexia: The Asynchrony Phenomenon – Zvia Breznitz
Some Special Issues Concerning the Genetics of Dyslexia: Revisiting Multivariate Profiles, Comorbidities, and Genetic Correlations – Jeffrey W Gilger
The Neurological Basis Of Dyslexia – John Stein
Dyslexia and the Cerebellum – Angela J Fawcett and Roderick I Nicolson
Familial Predictors of Dyslexia: Evidence from Preschool Children with and Without Familial Dyslexia Risk – Dennis L Molfese et al
Early Identification and Prevention of Dyslexia: Results from a Prospective Follow-up Study of Children at Familial Risk for Dyslexia – Heikki Lyytinen et al
Exploring Heterogeneity in Developmental Dyslexia: A Longitudinal Investigation – Frank Manis and Caroline E Bailey
Rediscovering Dyslexia: New Approaches for Identification and Classification – Richard K Wagner
Learning, Cognition and Dyslexia – Roderick I Nicolson and Angela J Fawcett
A Review of the Evidence on Morphological Processing in Dyslexics and Poor Readers: A Strength or Weakness? – S Helene Deacon, Rauno Parrila and John R Kirby
Reading Intervention Research: An Integrative Framework – William E Tunmer and Keith T Greaney
Assessment of Literacy Performance Based on the Componential Model of Reading – R Malatesha Joshi and PG Aaron
The Definition of Learning Disabilities: Who Is the Individual with Learning Disabilities? – Linda S Siegel and Orly Lipka
Students with Phonological Dyslexia in School-Based Programs: Insights from Tennessee Schools – Diane J Sawyer and Stuart Bernstein
Individual Tutoring for Struggling Readers: Moving Research to Scale with Interventions Implemented by Paraeducators – Patricia F Vadasy and Elizabeth A Sanders
Dyslexia Friendly Primary Schools: What Can We Learn from Asking the Pupils? – Mary Coffield et al
Dyslexia and Learning Styles: Overcoming the Barriers to Learning – Gavin Reid and Iva Strnadova
Dyslexia and Inclusion in the Secondary School – Cross Curricular Perspectives – Moira Thomson
Dyslexia and Self-Concept: A Review of Past – Robert Burden
Role of Parents – Gavin Reid, Shannon Green and Corey Zylstra
Dyslexia in Different Orthographies: Variability in Transparency – John Everett and Gad Elbeheri
Dyslexia and Foreign Language Learning – Michael Dal
Adults with Learning Disabilities and Self-Disclosure in Higher Education and Beyond – Lynda A Price and Paul J Gerber
Dyslexia: Workplace Issues – Gavin Reid, Fil Came and Lynda A Price
O autorze
Dr. Gavin Reid is an international consultant and psychologist with consultancies in Canada, UK, Europe, Middle East, Asia and Australasia. He was Visiting Professor at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, in the Department of Education and Counseling Psychology and Special Education in 2007 and 2010.?He is chair of the British Dyslexia Association Accreditation Board and an ambassador for the Helen Arkell Dyslexia Centre in the UK and is a Consultant/Psychologist for the Centre for Child Evaluation and Teaching (CCET) in Kuwait and the Lighthouse Learning Centre in Cairo. He is also a director of the Red Rose School for children with specific learning difficulties in St Annes on Sea, Lancashire, UK. He was formerly senior lecturer in the Department of Educational Studies (formally Department of Special Education), Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh, from 1991 to 2007. He has written 34 books on learning, motivation and dyslexia and lectured to thousands of professionals and parents in 75 countries. Some of his books have been published in Polish, Italian, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, French, Latvian and Slovak. He is an experienced teacher with over ten years’ experience in the classroom and has held external examiner appointments at 20 universities worldwide for Ph D and masters’ courses. He resides in Vancouver and Edinburgh. His email is and his website is: