Pump It Up Magazine! is the colorful and vibrant print and online magazine showcasing dynamic up-and-coming talent from around the globe! Our team of hand-picked industry experts thrive on the pulse of emerging culture to be your one-stop source for what’s going on. Whether you are an entertainment junkie or an emerging talent – be it a unique writer, visionary fashion designer, eye-popping model, or an ear-bending singer/musician/songwriter. Pump It Up! always has something fresh and exciting for you- from up-to-the-minute tips to golden opportunities. Grab a copy today and find out why over 20, 000 subscribers are on team Pump It Up!
For six years now, Pump It Up has been steady on the rise – showcasing not only the best independent music artists of the world but anyone with a dream –
to meaningfully connect and wildly succeed.
Actors. Singers. Dancers. Filmmakers. Beauty influencers. Brands. The Pump It Up print and online publication leverages its sizable social media following and tight-knit industry ties to supercharge new talent all the way to the top in their come-up to stardom. Pump It Up puts a strong focus on image, making sure that fans and industry executives alike that follow the magazine see the very best side of everyone it spotlights. We go the extra mile to enhance your profile with the glamorous WOW factors that make everyone want to get to know you better.
The print magazine is distributed every month and circulated around North America and Europe in thousands of retailers, bookstores, and e-commerce sites (Amazon, Barnes and Noble etc.); as well as countless public spaces like public and on-campus libraries. We have even grown an online radio show that attracts over 10, 000 listeners a month; not to mention a number of popular playlists to support artists getting their music heard by the masses.
When an artist, brand or public figure utilizes the support of Pump It Up, they can trust that they are in good hands. Founded by entertainment industry veteran, Anissa Boudjaoui, the publication houses a strong network of experienced players from all walks of entertainment. These include legendary Motown record producer Michael B. Sutton; as well as other industry experts – from songwriters to fashion editors – several lifetimes of industry experience under one roof.
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Michael B. Sutton – Music Editor A veteran Motown producer, Mike has been an important hidden force in the music industry. Writing and producing countless songs for artists such as Stevie Wonder, Thelma Houston, and Smokey Robinson, Mike became known for his behind-the-scenes efforts more than anything else.Writing many theme songs as well, he branched into movies and even scored a few films before the late 90’s. Since then, Mike has helped lots of artists on the way to stardom. Think of Mike as your guide in the industry. CEO of www.thesoundofla.com