Claude Maisonnat is emeritus professor at University Lumière Lyon-2 (France), where he taught contemporary literature. A Conrad scholar, he has published extensively on that author. He is also specialized in the short-story and is currently editing a collection of essays on John McGahern.Annie Ramel is emeritus professor at University Lumière Lyon-2 (France), where she taught Victorian and contemporary literature. A Thomas Hardy scholar, she has published extensively on that author. She has also published a book on Great Expectations (Great Expectations, Le Père ou le pire), as well as articles on Charles Dickens, George Eliot, Oscar Wilde. Josiane Paccaud-Huguet is professor of Modern English literature and literary theory at Université Lumière-Lyon 2. Her latest publications include a chapter, « Psychoanalysis after Freud », in Patricia Waugh”s Literary Theory and Criticism, An Oxford Guide (2006). She has edited a volume on the critical reception of Conrad in France (Conrad in France, Columbia University Press, 2008). She is currently working on a book on the modernist „Moment of Vision”.
1 Ebooki wg Annie Ramel
Claude Maisonnat & Josiane Paccaud-Huguet: Rewriting/Reprising in Literature
This volumes includes a series of 17 selected essays, preceded by a methodological introduction, whose purpose is to offer a fresh outlook on the question of rewriting-reprising. The argument, taking …