Autor: Anthony Bonner

Among Anthony Bonner”s previously published translations are The Complete Works of François Villon (David Mc Kay/Bantam), Songs of the Troubadours (Schocken/Allen and Unwin), and the Catalan novel By Nature Equal by J. M. Espinás (Pantheon). Bonner and his wife, Eve Bonner, live in Majorca.

3 Ebooki wg Anthony Bonner

Jorge Luis Borges: Ficciones
“Borges’s composed, carefully wrought, gnarled style is at once the means of his art and its object—his way of ordering and giving meaning to the bizarre and terrifying world he creates: it is a bril …
Ramón Llull: Doctor Illuminatus
For this new anthology, Anthony Bonner has chosen central texts from his acclaimed two-volume compilation Selected Works of Ramon Llull (Princeton, 1985). Available for the first time in an affordabl …
Ramon Llull: Llibre de meravelles
Ramon Llull va escriure el Llibre de meravelles a París, durant els anys 1287-1289. Fèlix, el protagonista, és enviat pel seu pare a recórrer el món i a meravellar-se de l’actitud dels homes, que no …