Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) refers to pneumonia
acquired outside of hospitals or extended-care facilities, and is
distinct from Nosocomial or hospital-acquired pneumonia, which is a
separate disease entity. It is one of the most common respiratory
infections and presents one of the major health problems today,
with an incidence that ranges from eight to fifty cases per
thousand individuals each year. Mortality is still very high and
yet the risk factors are very well known. Many of these are related
to antibiotic treatment; delay in administration, inadequacy of
empiric antibiotics and lack of adherence to guidelines for
treatment are all clearly associated with poor treatment outcomes.
Following a description of the epidemiology and microbial
etiology of ambulatory and hospitalized CAP, this
book provides an in-depth review of the important new advances
in therapeutics, including management of drug resistance to the
three major classes of antibiotics used for treatment of CAP:
beta-lactams, macrolides and quinolones. All of them have
advantages and disadvantages and these are put into perspective.
This book highlights guideline recommendations and presents a
balanced analysis to help physicians deliver the highest standard
of care. In addition, the authors provide an insight into the 10%
of patients who do not respond to antibiotics and could benefit
from adjunctive therapies, some still under review.
This volume will be welcomed by pulmonologists and all
clinicians involved in managing community-acquired
Spis treści
List of Contributors
1 Epidemiology of Community-Acquired Pneumonia Outside Hospital
(Theo JM Verheij)
2 Epidemiology of Adult Hospitalized Community-Acquired
Pneumonia (Mark Woodhead)
3 Microbial Aetiology and Antibiotic Resistances in
Community-Acquired Pneumonia (Gerard Huchon)
4 Microbiological Diagnosis of Community-Acquired Pneumonia
(Margareta Ieven)
5 Empirical Treatment of Community-Acquired Pneumonia: Current
Guidelines (Javier Aspa, Olga Rajas, Felipe Rodr´iguez
de Castro, Jos´e Blanquer and Antoni Torres)
6 Pathogen Directed Antimicrobial Treatment of Pneumonia
(Santiago Ewig and S¨oren Gatermann)
7 General Pharmacological Considerations in Antibiotic Treatment
of Community-Acquired Pneumonia (Francesco Blasi, Mario Cazzola
and Paolo Tarsia)
8 beta-Lactams in the Therapy of Community-Acquired Pneumonia
(Michael S. Niederman)
9 Macrolides and Ketolides (Javier Garau)
10 Role of Fluoroquinolones in the Treatment of
Community-Acquired Pneumonia (Tobias Welte)
11 Non-Responding Pneumonia (Rosario Menendez)
12 Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccination for Prevention of
Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Immunocompetent Adults (Ake
13 Adjunctive Therapy in Community-Acquired Pneumonia (Anna
P. Lam and Richard G. Wunderink)
O autorze
Dr. Antoni Torres, Cap de Servei de Pneumologia i Al’lèrgia Respiratria, Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, BARCELONA, SPAIN; Chairman, ERS Task Force on European Guidelines on hospital acquired pneumonia; Head, ERS Scientific Assembly on Respiratory Infections.
Dr Rosario Menéndez, Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, BARCELONA, SPAIN.