This book is the outcome of a conference held at the Centro De Giorgi of the Scuola Normale of Pisa in September 2012. The aim of the conference was to discuss recent results on nonlinear partial differential equations, and more specifically geometric evolutions and reaction-diffusion equations. Particular attention was paid to self-similar solutions, such as solitons and travelling waves, asymptotic behaviour, formation of singularities and qualitative properties of solutions. These problems arise in many models from Physics, Biology, Image Processing and Applied Mathematics in general, and have attracted a lot of attention in recent years.
Spis treści
N. Alikakos: On the structure of phase transition maps for three or more coexisting phases.- S. Amato, G. Bellettini, M. Paolini: The nonlinear multidomain model: a new formal asymptotic analysis.- A. Chambolle, M. Goldman, M. Novaga: Existence and qualitative properties of isoperimetric sets in periodic media.- A. Chambolle, M. Morini, M. Ponsiglione: Minimizing movements and level set approach to geometric flow of nonlocal perimeters.- S. Choi, I. Kim: Homogenization with oscillatory Neumann boundary data in general domain.- D. Christodoulou: The Analysis of Shock Formation in 3-Dimensional Fluids.- L. Dupaigne, A. Farina, B. Sirakov: Regularity of the extremal solutions for the Liouville system.- M.-H. Giga, Y. Giga, A. Nakayasu: On general existence results for one-dimensional singular diffusion equations with spatially inhomogeneous driving force.- Y. Giga, G. Pisante: On representation of boundary integrals involving the mean curvature for mean-convex domains.- A. Lemenant, Y. Sire: Elliptic problem in nonsmooth domain, Reifenberg-flat domains, Regularity.- A. Pisante: Maximally localized wannier functions: existence and exponential localization.- A. Stancu: Flows by powers of centro-affine curvature.