Archibald Gracie IV (1858–1912) was an American writer, soldier, amateur historian, real estate investor, and survivor of the sinking of RMS Titanic. Gracie survived the sinking by climbing aboard an overturned collapsible lifeboat and wrote a popular book about the disaster, which is still in print today. He never recovered from his ordeal and died less than eight months after the sinking, becoming the first adult survivor to die.
10 Ebooki wg Archibald Gracie
Colonel Archibald Gracie: Titanic: A Survivor’s Story
Here is a survivor's vivid account of the greatest maritime disaster in history. The information contained in Gracie's account is available from no other source. He provides details of thos …
Archibald Gracie: The Truth About The Titanic
The Truth About the Titanic’, by Colonel Archibald Gracie, is a striking recital of the monumental shipwreck, by the sole survivor of all the men passengers, 'stationed during the loading of six or m …
Archibald Gracie: Die Wahrheit über die Titanic
’Die Wahrheit über die Titanic’, von Colonel Archibald Gracie, ist eine eindrucksvolle Darstellung des monumentalen Schiffsuntergangs, die der Autor als einer der wenigen Passagiere überhaupt überleb …
Archibald Gracie: Truth About The Titanic
With time running out and the decks awash with the sea, first-class passenger Archibald Gracie was one of the last people to escape the sinking of the Titanic, clinging to an overturned collapsible b …
Archibald Gracie: Truth About The Titanic
With time running out and the decks awash with the sea, first-class passenger Archibald Gracie was one of the last people to escape the sinking of the Titanic, clinging to an overturned collapsible b …
Archibald Gracie: Illustrated Truth about the Titanic
In April 1912 the Titanic sank, taking 1500 people to their deaths in the freezing Atlantic. One survivor, the author Archibald Gracie, was one of the last to leave the doomed ship, aboard the last l …
Archibald Gracie: The Truth About the Titanic
The Truth About the Titanic is a personal narrative of an American writer, soldier, amateur historian and real estate investor, Archibald Gracie who was one the Titanic sinking survivors. He survived …
Archibald Gracie: The Truth about the Titanic
Archibald Gracie’s 'The Truth about the Titanic’ offers a unique and poignant perspective on one of history’s most catastrophic maritime disasters. Written in the immediate aftermath of the Titanic’s …
Archibald Gracie: The Truth About the Titanic
In 'The Truth About the Titanic, ’ Archibald Gracie presents a compelling firsthand account of the tragic sinking of the RMS Titanic, drawing from his own experiences as a survivor. Through meticulou …
Archibald Gracie: Die Wahrheit über die Titanic
In 'Die Wahrheit über die Titanic’ bietet Archibald Gracie einen Augenzeugenbericht der tragischen Ereignisse, die sich in der furchtbaren Nacht des 14. April 1912 ereigneten. Gracies detaillierte Be …