Asif Sabanovic is a Professor of Engineering and
Natural Sciences at Sabanci University. Previously he has been with
University of Sarajevo, Caltech, Keio University and Yamaguchi
University. He was also Head of CAD/CAM and Robotics Department at
Tubitak – MAM, Turkey. Sabanovic has received Best Paper
Awards from the IEEE, and his major fields of interest include
power electronics, sliding mode control, motion control and
mechatronics. He received a BS, MS, and Ph D in Electrical
Engineering from the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and
Kouhei Ohnishi a Professor of Systems Design Engineering
at Keio University. His research interests include power
electronics, mechatronics, motion control and haptics. Ohnishi
received Best Paper Awards from the Institute of Electrical
Engineers of Japan and the Japan Society for Precision Engineering.
He also received Dr.-Ing. Eugene Mittelmann Achievement Award from
the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society in 2004. Ohnishi holds a
BE, ME, and Ph D in Electrical Engineering from the University of
4 Ebooki wg Asif Sabanovic
Asif Sabanovic & Kouhei Ohnishi: Motion Control Systems
Motion Control Systems is concerned with design methods that support the never-ending requirements for faster and more accurate control of mechanical motion. The book presents material that is fundam …
Asif Sabanovic & Kouhei Ohnishi: Motion Control Systems
Motion Control Systems is concerned with design methods that support the never-ending requirements for faster and more accurate control of mechanical motion. The book presents material that is fundam …
Asif Sabanovic & Tarik Uzunovic: Motion Control of Functionally Related Systems
This book is concerned with the development of design techniques for controlling motion of mechanical systems which are employed to execute certain tasks acting collaboratively. The book introduces u …
Asif Sabanovic & Tarik Uzunovic: Motion Control of Functionally Related Systems
This book is concerned with the development of design techniques for controlling motion of mechanical systems which are employed to execute certain tasks acting collaboratively. The book introduces u …