The prospect of death requires more than messages that console us or philosophies that immunize us from its actual implications. Whether you are approaching your own death, facing the death of a loved-one, or are simply wanting to understand the purpose of this brief and mortal life, you will find unique and transformative help in these pages. Easy Death-described by Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross as a "masterpiece"-offers real wisdom from one who is not only profoundly sensitized to the mortal condition, but whose divinely enlightened view is rooted in the deathless Reality. This third edition includes Avatar Adi Da’s instruction on the real nature and actual process of death, and on realization of the deathless condition; accounts of the death experiences and events in Avatar Adi Da’s own life; stories of Avatar Adi Da’s spiritual help in the death transitions of devotees and their loved-ones; practical instruction on preparing for death, helping a loved-one die, and helping an animal die. Adi Da Samraj was born in and as and from the "Bright" Reality in which there is neither birth nor death. His entire lifetime was spent unlocking that ultimate condition from limited views and offering a way for anyone to realize it directly. Therefore, Easy Death is not only about dying, or about preparing to die-it is a call to Awaken beyond all philosophies and practices related to dying, beyond even the very fact of suffering and death."