Autor: Bernard Dieterle

Bernard Dieterle ist Professor für Neuere Deutsche Literatur an der Université de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse. Manfred Engel ist em. Professor für Neuere deutsche Literatur an der Universität des Saarlandes.

3 Ebooki wg Bernard Dieterle

Bernard Dieterle & Manfred Engel: Mediating the Dream – Les genres et médias du rêve
Representations of dreams – no matter if factual or fictional – are influenced not only by cultural patterns but also by the specific opportunities offered and the specific challenges posed by the ge …
Bernard Dieterle & Manfred Engel: Typologizing the Dream. Le rêve du point de vue typologique
There is nothing like a firmly established typology of dreams – simply because the taxonomies on which existing typologies are based vary widely: They can be oneirocritical, thematic, or based on dre …
Bernard Dieterle & Manfred Engel: Making – or Not Making – Sense of Dreams. Trouver – ou non – un sens au rêve
Dreams frighten and attract us because of their ›otherness‹, their manifold deviations from the world we know when we are awake. One of the most consistently used techniques of coming to terms with t …