’Boy!’ said Ralph to himself, his whiskers quivering with excitement. 'Boy, oh boy!’ Feeling that this was an important moment in his life, he took hold of the handgrips. They felt good and solid beneath his paws. Yes, this motorcycle was a good machine all right.
Ralph the mouse ventures out from behind the piney knothole in the wall of his hotel-room home, scrambles up the telephone wire to the end table, and climbs aboard the toy motorcycle left there by a young guest. His thrill ride does not last long. The ringing telephone startles Ralph, and he and the motorcycle take a terrible fall—right to the bottom of a metal wastebasket. Luckily, Keith, the owner of the motorcycle, returns to find his toy. Keith rescues Ralph and teaches him how to ride the bike. Thus begins a great friendship and many awesome adventures. Once a mouse can ride a motorcyle . . . almost anything can happen!
This is a high-quality Spanish language edition of the beloved Beverly Cleary classic.
Ralph es un ratoncito aburrido de vivir siempre con su famalia en la habitacion de un viejo hotel. Un dia, descubre que la habitacion esta ocupada por un chico mut aficionado a todo aquello que tenga que ver con al motor y que ademas posee una buena coleccion de coches y motos de juguete. Cuando nadie lo ve, Ralph sube a la mesita de noche donde se encuentra estacionada la moto que le tiene robado el corazon. . .
Y encima de la moto, ¿de que no va a ser capaz un ratoncito motorizado?