Autor: Brij Kishore Tyagi

Brij Kishore Tyagi Born 23rd July 1951, Dr. Brij Kishore Tyagi (Ph D 1979) has become emeritus in 2013, with two years’ extension till 2015, as Scientist ‘G’ & Director-in-Charge from the ICMR-Centre for Research in Medical Entomology, Madurai, after distinguished service in medical entomology and vectorborne diseases in most of States and UTs in the country. He has since continued as the Visiting Professor in various universities (2016–2019) and currently is the Advisor, VIT Univ., Vellore (TN) as well as the International Consultant for a BCIL-FAO Sri Lanka Project on GMO Biosafety (2019–2021). He has to his credit >640 scientific titles, besides 37 books, incl. a WHO Training Manual on GM vectors (2015). Recipient of the prestigious WHO-TDR First Prize in worldwide competition (1995) and the ICMR’s Dr. MOT Iyengar Memorial Award (2008), he is the Founding President of the Society of Medical Arthropodology ( He has participated in preparing OECD’s Consensus Document on Aedes aegypti (2018), is Chairman, RCGM-DBT’s Subcommittee for the formulation of biosafety guidelines to conduct and monitor research trials (CRTs) on genetically engineered mosquitoes, and an Expert Member of the DBT-RCGM Committee on GM insects.

4 Ebooki wg Brij Kishore Tyagi

Brij Kishore Tyagi: Lymphatic Filariasis
Lymphatic Filariasis (LF) is a group of human and animal infectious diseases caused by nematode parasites of the order Filariidae. Often neglected, it is one of the oldest and the most debilitating t …
Dharumadurai Dhanasekaran & Brij Kishore Tyagi: Microbial Control of Vector-Borne Diseases
Vector-borne diseases have increasingly emerged as significant causes of human illnesses worldwide, largely due to environmental changes (deforestation), population movements (migration and travellin …
Dharumadurai Dhanasekaran & Brij Kishore Tyagi: Microbial Control of Vector-Borne Diseases
Vector-borne diseases have increasingly emerged as significant causes of human illnesses worldwide, largely due to environmental changes (deforestation), population movements (migration and travellin …
Brij Kishore Tyagi: Genetically Modified and other Innovative Vector Control Technologies
This book comprehensively covers the latest development in developing and deploying the genetically modified vectors, particularly Anopheles and Aedes mosquitoes responsible for t …