Im moving today on the earth with significant power. I too, am releasing to the earth another dimension, of My love. Im releasing another dimension of My love for the earth to bathe in. My prophets will foretell it on the earth; My voice, My heart, My heart of love to the earth. Its the new day like no other shining forth as a bride, the bride of Christ, obtaining resurrected power from her Husband. She has the power to carry this dimension of My love. Her significance is without measure, her power without bounds, ~a Resurrected Love
The Armageddon is about a great warrior whose abilities are not his own but that of his Creator. A white warrior on earth, seen by God as God sees His Son. God has given great vision; great vision.
To bear the fruit of the sword of significance for the truth of love,
~C. L. Thomas
The prophetic writings of C. L. Thomas speak of family, destiny, love, life and the power of it. They are precious to Me, the Father.
O autorze
About the Author
C. L. Thomas
Author unto the Father’s Heart
Prophetic Writer
A representative of the ministry Allied Riders of the Truth and is available for prayer group meetings. Contact
A Jesus’ blood washed, Holy Spirit filled and led Christian, C. L. Thomas’s ministry is currently preparing to align with the next substantial move of God in the location of New York by divine guidance. She has been ordained a minister by the pastor’s prophetic proclamation during a service at Christian Praise Center, Cornelius, Oregon under the authority of the Holy Spirit, delivered by prophetic proclamation through Pastor Forsythe. She carries an apostolic, prophetic, healing mantle for the Lord’s End Time Army to love and serve the holy God. In demonstration of that mantle, C.L. Thomas has moved into a ministry of divine prophetic proclamation and creative miracles with the anointing to see into and host heaven.
C. L. Thomas, as a prophet to the nations, a daughter of destiny, sent fourth on a foreknew course releasing glory as light for all to see and help portray ones own unique divine destiny.
The following are the more current ministries in which she has served:
– Anchor of Salvation ministries, Vancouver, Washington
– Portland Outpouring, River of Life Ministries, Portland, Oregon
– Healing Rooms, Vancouver, Washington
– Humble King Ministries, Clackamas, Oregon
– Women’s Aglow leadership home group meetings, Vancouver, Washington
– Bethel Church, Healing Rooms, Redding California
Prophetic Writings also available by the author are:
Memoirs: Reflections of the Father’s Heart
Revelations Revealing the Heart of the Father
The Prophecy of the White Rider
His Necessary Talents will be Summoned
C. L. Thomas is available for speaking engagements:
• Revelation Impartation
• Book Signings
• Prayer Group Meetings
• Love and Support through Ministry
Contact through the website at
~To touch the hearts of mankind and to teach them to ride: Victoriously.