This is the seventeenth in the most prestigious series of annual
volumes in the field of industrial and organizational psychology.
The series provides authoritative and integrative reviews of the
key literature of industrial psychology and organizational
behavior. The chapters are written by established experts and
topics are carefully chosen to reflect the major concerns in the
research literature and in current practice.
This seventeenth volume will continue to provide coverage of
emergent issues such as: Coping with Job Loss: A Life-Facet
Perspective; The Older Worker in Organizational Context; Employment
Relationships from the Employer’s Perspective; Great Minds Don’t
Think Alike?: Past, Present and Future of Cross-Cultural Studies in
Industrial and Organizational Psychology; Executive Health; The
Influence of Values in Organizations; New Research Perspectives and
Implicit Managerial Competency Modelling in China
Each chapter offers a comprehensive and critical survey of a
chosen topic, and each is supported by valuable bibliography. For
advanced students, academics, and researchers, as well as
professional psychologists and managers, this remains the most
authoritative and current guide to developments and established
knowledge in the field of industrial and organizational psychology.
Spis treści
About the Editors.
List of Contributors.
Editorial Foreword.
Coping With Job Loss: A Life-facet Perspective (Mc Kee-Ryan and
The Older Worker in Organizational Context: Beyond the Individual
(Farr and Ringseis)
Employment Relationships form the Employer’s Perspective: Current
Research and Future Directions (Tsui and Wang)
Great Minds Don’t Think Alike? Person-level Predictors of
Innovation at Work (Patterson)
Past, Present and Future of Cross-cultural Studies in Industrial
and Organizational Psychology (Glazer)
Executive Health: Building Self-reliance for Challenging Times
(Quick et al)
The Influences of Values in organizations: Linking Values and
Outcomes as Multiple Levels of Analysis (Maierhofer et al)
New Research Perspectivity and Implicit Managerial Competency
Modelling in China (Zhong-Ming Wang)
O autorze
Cary Cooper and Ivan Robertson, both of Manchester School of Management, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, Manchester, UK.