Autor: Casey C. Barton

Casey C. Barton is Ordained to Word and Sacrament in the Evangelical Covenant Church, and preaches every Sunday at Hilmar Covenant Church in California. He earned a BA in pastoral ministry from Briercrest College; an MDiv and a Th M in preaching from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary; an MTh in Christian ethics and practical theology from New College, University of Edinburgh; and a Ph D in Homiletics at Emmanuel College, Toronto School of Theology, University of Toronto.

1 Ebooki wg Casey C. Barton

Casey C. Barton: Preaching Through Time
As preachers who come to the pulpit, before God and before God’s people, each and every week, how do we make sense of the text as we live a new moment of its ongoing story? Most options available to …