Literatura narracyjna WsparcieCatalogFikcjaLiteratura narracyjnaNapięcieScience Fiction / FantasyAntologiePoezja / dramatWersje dwujęzyczneKomiks / humor / satyraKsiążki z prezentami, albumy, kalendarzePrzed 1945od 1945 rPowieści historyczne, narracjeBajki, legendy, legendyAntologieRomantyczne biografieListy, pamiętnikiEseje, funkcje, krytyka literackaAforyzmy760 350 Ebooki w tej kategorii Cavan Scott: Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #2 The ongoing adventures of the Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack continue, as Part 2 of ”DOCTORMANIA” confronts the three with a solar system wide conspiracy, an intergalactic crime family, a murderous … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.64 Dennis Calero: Assassin’s Creed Brand new arc! New characters! In this explosive opener to the brand new arc, the events that happened in Shanghai take on a whole new meaning as the Templars call on Juhani Otso Berg, legendary Sigm … EPUB Adobe DRM €5.15 Xue Bing & 雪冰: Zhuge Liang’s Love in Heaven (Vol 1) 本書是仙幻故事,分上下兩冊。上冊寫三國時期,諸葛亮魂歸天界,娶了玉帝的長公主張靜雅為妻,並育有一子一女。 描寫公主在宋朝、清朝……,等時空下世,諸葛亮追隨四世,以及他在明朝下世,扶佐朱元璋的故事。 通過對他倆人下世返天的過程,展現、揭示仙家的痛苦心路歷程,和人世滄桑。描寫天上人間,滄海桑田。書中所出現、涉獵的人物、事件,多數是盡可能,以站在太極弦之上,多維空間所見為基線。本書下冊,講述張靜雅,在 … EPUB Adobe DRM €10.99 Victor Gischler: Sally of the Wasteland Sally’s just your everyday post-apocalyptic young woman, shooting mutant fauna by day, hanging at the local bayou bar by night. She might be slightly insane, but that’s all to the good after the fall … EPUB Adobe DRM €17.92 Robbie Morrison: Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #2.1 The Golden Years of the Doctor and Clara begin, as the Twelfth Doctor comics leap into Series 9! Writer Robbie Morrison is back with a year-long extravaganza that kicks off with an excellent jumping- … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.61 Madam Wandering & 浪跡天涯: Amor of Tibetan Plateau 在’文革’那個特殊年代,我和我的同學們有幸親身參與了西藏的’社教’運動,目睹了階級鬥爭的場面及西藏的風土人情。 從主人公白雪及她的朋友秦素玉,孫思君,文達等人物身上,反映了一九六八年前後畢業的大學生們在’文革’、’社教’、勞動鍛煉,改革開放幾個不同的歷史時期的思想、工作、生活、愛情、婚姻諸方面的經歷。 書中歌頌了白雪與高原堅定不移的愛情觀。詮釋了愛情與婚姻的真諦。 浪跡天涯女士,生 … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.49 Rob Williams: Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #2.13 The endgame begins, as the architect of the Doctor’s pain stands revealed, and the truth behind the Squire is out in the open at last! With Alice still trapped in the Time War, and Abslom itching to … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.61 George Mann: Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor #4 1932. Briarwood House. As a jazz party preoccupies the English upper-crust, the Doctor and Josie discover a terrifying secret below stairs – the servants are beginning to sprout branches! When the fo … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.61 Ben Aaronovitch & Andrew Cartmel: Rivers of London – Body Work #1 Peter Grant is one of only two members of a very special branch of London”s Metropolitan Police. He is, in fact, pretty much a wizard and it”s his job to investigate those shadowy crimes that invol … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.62 Dennis Calero: Assassin’s Creed Things are not all they seem in the Abstergo facility – not for Dre, and definitely not for Otso. When Dre realises he hasn’t been told the whole truth, it’s time for his survival instincts to kick i … EPUB Adobe DRM €5.15 Następna strona >>> 0 0 Sprawdzić 0,00 × × × Zmień język użytkownika × ArabskiNiemieckiAngielskiHiszpańskiFrancuskiHinduskiIndonezyjskiWłoskiMalajskiHolenderskiPolskiePortugalskiRumuńskiRosyjskiSzwedzkiTajskiTureckiUkraińskiWietnamskiChińskiInternational Modal ×