Pojazdy szynowe WsparcieCatalogGuidePojazdyOgólne, słowniki, instrukcje obsługiSamochód, motocykl, motorowerRowerPojazdy użytkowePojazdy szynoweStatkiSamoloty, przestrzeń kosmicznaPojazdy wojskowe, samoloty wojskowe, okręty wojskoweModelowanie172 Ebooki w tej kategorii Keith Widdowson: The Great Western Steam Retreat In mid-1964, Keith Widdowson got wind that the Western Region was hell-bent on being the first to eliminate the steam locomotive on its tracks by December 1965. The 17-year-old hurriedly homed in on … EPUB Angielski €13.99 Stuart Hylton: The Early Pioneers of Steam We think of the Stephensons and Brunel as the fathers of the railways, and their Liverpool and Manchester and Great Western Railways as the prototypes of the modern systems. But who were the railways … EPUB Angielski €13.99 Oliver Densham: Railways of East Anglia The railways of East Anglia have a long and complex history, and this book provides a broad overview of the subject. Beginning with the earliest horse tramroads of Essex and continuing up to the priv … EPUB Angielski €22.49 Allen Jackson: Contemporary Perspective on LMS Railway Signalling Vol 2 For over 150 years Britain’s railways have relied on a system of semaphore signalling, but by 2020, all semaphore signals and lineside signal boxes will be gone. In his previous book, author Allen Ja … EPUB Angielski €23.99 Keith Widdowson: Confessions of A Steam-Age Ferroequinologist ferroequinologist (noun) Someone who studies the 'Iron Horse’ (i.e. trains and locomotives). From the Latin ferrus 'iron’ and equine 'horse’ + -logist As the British steam era drew to a close, a youn … EPUB Angielski €13.99 Allen Jackson: Great Western Railway Stars, Castles and Kings GWR; Great Western Railway; George Jackson Churchward; Boilers; Valves; GWR 4-6-0; De Glehn Compound; 4-4-2 Atlantic; Star Class; Scissors Valve Gear; L&NWR; London and North Western Railway; WWII; L … EPUB Angielski €28.49 Nicolas Wheatley: Final Journey This new history reveals the previously untold story of why and how trains have been used to transport the dead, enabling their burial in a place of significance to the bereaved. Profusely illustrate … EPUB Angielski €18.49 Allen Jackson: Contemporary Perspective on LMS Railway Signalling Vol 1 For over 150 years Britain’s railways have relied on a system of semaphore signalling, but by 2020, all semaphore signals and lineside signal boxes will be gone. In his previous book, author Allen Ja … EPUB Angielski €23.99 Bernard Warr: Railways of the West Riding of Yorkshire The West Riding of Yorkshire boasted the most complex railway network in Britain, comprised at various times of seven railway companies, with an eighth trying to secure a foothold, eleven significant … EPUB Angielski €18.49 Ron Bateman: The End of the Line In 1977, the iconic Swindon Works was building locomotives. By 1986, it was shut down. In The End of the Line, Ron Bateman recounts the fight to save Swindon Works, its 3, 500 jobs and the livelihood … EPUB Angielski €13.99 Następna strona >>> 0 0 Sprawdzić 0,00 × × × Zmień język użytkownika × ArabskiNiemieckiAngielskiHiszpańskiFrancuskiHinduskiIndonezyjskiWłoskiMalajskiHolenderskiPolskiePortugalskiRumuńskiRosyjskiSzwedzkiTajskiTureckiUkraińskiWietnamskiChińskiInternational Modal ×