Architektura WsparcieCatalogNauka duchowaSztuka / architekturaOgólne, słownikiHistoria sztukiSztuki piękneArchitekturaProjektowanie wnętrz, projektowanieTeatr, baletFotografia, film, wideo, telewizjaAntykiInne20 792 Ebooki w tej kategorii Shelton Waldrep: The Dissolution of Place Postmodern architecture – with its return to ornamentality, historical quotation, and low-culture kitsch – has long been seen as a critical and popular anodyne to the worst aspects of modernist archi … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.25 Rob Krier: Architectural Journal 1960-1975 How does one become a recognized architect? Where does the inspiration come from and how is it transformed into buildings, streets and cities? With his Architectural Journal Rob Krier takes the reade … EPUB Adobe DRM €3.84 James Thomson: Pipejacking & Microtunnelling Covers development of trenchless technology; pipejacking and microtunnelling methods equipment: shields and tunnel boring machines; pipejacking: line, drive pit, top side; equipment: microtunnelling; … EPUB Adobe DRM €80.64 Ian Wray: No Little Plans Is planning for America anathema to the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness? Is it true, as ideologues like Friedrich Von Hayek, Milton Friedman, and Ayn Rand have claimed, that planning leads to … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.57 Graham Bizley: Architecture in Detail II Following on from Graham Bizley’s successful Architecture in Detail, Architecture in Detail II presents 40 case studies of detailing on recent construction projects. Over 150 full colour drawings and … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.18 Robert Mantho: The Urban Section The design of streets, and the connections between streets of different character, is the most important task for architects and urbanists working in an urban context. Considered at two distinct spat … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.90 Christopher Grech & David Walters: Future Office Developments in IT and the resulting knowledge-based economy have challenged traditional concepts of office design, as well as many of the larger architectural and urban design models. This book exam … EPUB Adobe DRM €83.43 Branko Kolarevic & Vera Parlac: Building Dynamics Buildings are increasingly ‘dynamic’: equipped with sensors, actuators and controllers, they ‘self-adjust’ in response to changes in the external and internal environments and patterns of use. Buildi … EPUB Adobe DRM €88.97 Joseph (Mahlum, USA) Mayo: Solid Wood Over the past 10-15 years a renaissance in wood architecture has occurred with the development of new wood building systems and design strategies, elevating wood from a predominantly single-family re … EPUB Adobe DRM €76.22 Zoe Thompson: Urban Constellations This book investigates the iconic architectural cultural spaces of the contemporary cityscape as engines of regeneration. Promising much to their fading locales, these spaces locate culture in the sp … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.58 Następna strona >>> 0 0 Sprawdzić 0,00 × × × Zmień język użytkownika × ArabskiNiemieckiAngielskiHiszpańskiFrancuskiHinduskiIndonezyjskiWłoskiMalajskiHolenderskiPolskiePortugalskiRumuńskiRosyjskiSzwedzkiTajskiTureckiUkraińskiWietnamskiChińskiInternational Modal ×