Architektura WsparcieCatalogNauka duchowaSztuka / architekturaOgólne, słownikiHistoria sztukiSztuki piękneArchitekturaProjektowanie wnętrz, projektowanieTeatr, baletFotografia, film, wideo, telewizjaAntykiInne20 893 Ebooki w tej kategorii Alan (University of Manitoba, Canada) Tate: Great City Parks Great City Parks is a celebration of some of the finest achievements of landscape architecture in the public realm. It is a comparative study of thirty significant public parks in major cities across … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.62 Carole (Formerly of Bournemouth University, UK) Ryan: Traditional Construction for a Sustainable Future Since the spread of classical design and construction amongst the upper echolons of British society in the late seventeenth century, traditional construction methods have largely fallen by the waysid … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.47 D Cattell: Specialist Floor Finishes For as long as concretes have been used as substrates there has been a need for upgrading the immediate working surface, in some instances nominally, in others substantially. This in itself has prese … EPUB Adobe DRM €59.25 Evgeny Khodakovsky: Wooden Church Architecture of the Russian North The book presents a broad panoramic overview of church architecture in the Russian North between the fourteenth and nineteenth centuries. While it is inevitably overshadowed by the imperial splendour … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.61 Josephine Kane: The Architecture of Pleasure The amusement parks which first appeared in England at the turn of the twentieth century represent a startlingly novel and complex phenomenon, combining fantasy architecture, new technology, ersatz d … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.49 Samantha L. Martin-McAuliffe: Food and Architecture Food and Architecture is the first book to explore the relationship between these two fields of study and practice. Bringing together leading voices from both food studies and architecture, it provid … EPUB Adobe DRM €34.73 Lars Spuybroek: The Sympathy of Things ”If there is one thing we can learn from John Ruskin, it is that each age must find its own way to beauty” writes Lars Spuybroek in The Sympathy of Things, his ground-breaking work which proposes a … EPUB Adobe DRM €33.43 C. Greig Crysler: Writing Spaces Writing Spaces examines some of the most important discourses in spatial theory of the last four decades, and considers their impact within the built environment disciplines. The book will be a key r … EPUB Adobe DRM €70.84 Gyula Sebestyen: Construction – Craft to Industry This book provides a unique and comprehensive survey of changes and trends in the construction industry focusing on the post-war years and emphasizing their contemporary and future relevance. … EPUB Adobe DRM €108.46 Suet Ying Ho: Evaluating British Urban Policy Since the Conservative government of the late 70s introduced its stringent spending policy, a ”value for money” ideology has dictated most new approaches to policy management. As a result, monitori … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.01 Następna strona >>> 0 0 Sprawdzić 0,00 × × × Zmień język użytkownika × ArabskiNiemieckiAngielskiHiszpańskiFrancuskiHinduskiIndonezyjskiWłoskiMalajskiHolenderskiPolskiePortugalskiRumuńskiRosyjskiSzwedzkiTajskiTureckiUkraińskiWietnamskiChińskiInternational Modal ×