Teatr, balet WsparcieCatalogNauka duchowaSztuka / architekturaOgólne, słownikiHistoria sztukiSztuki piękneArchitekturaProjektowanie wnętrz, projektowanieTeatr, baletFotografia, film, wideo, telewizjaAntykiInne21 651 Ebooki w tej kategorii Kelly McEvenue: The Alexander Technique For Actors This practical book with illustrations links Alexander technique to acting, dancing and singing by the trainer of performers on The Lion King The Alexander Technique is a method of physical relaxatio … EPUB Adobe DRM €27.89 Professor Kirsty Johnston: Disability Theatre and Modern Drama Bertolt Brecht”s silent Kattrin in Mother Courage, or the disability performance lessons of his Peachum in The Threepenny Opera; Tennessee Williams” limping Laura Wingfield in The Glass Menagerie a … EPUB Adobe DRM €31.09 Tim Fitzpatrick: Playwright, Space and Place in Early Modern Performance Analyzing Elizabethan and Jacobean playtexts for their spatial implications, this innovative study discloses the extent to which the resources and constraints of public playhouse buildings affected t … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.18 George Kennaway: Playing the Cello, 1780-1930 This innovative study of nineteenth-century cellists and cello playing shows how simple concepts of posture, technique and expression changed over time, while acknowledging that many different practi … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.31 Tiffany Potter: The Rival Widows, or Fair Libertine (1735) Elizabeth Cooper”s The Rival Widows, or Fair Libertine provides a unique opportunity to restore to scholarly and pedagogical attention a neglected female writer and a play with broad and significant … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.57 David Roberts: George Farquhar George Farquhar (1677–1707) is one of the most successful and enduringly popular Restoration playwrights. His two masterpieces , The Recruiting Officer and The Beaux” Stratagem, are still regularly … EPUB Adobe DRM €38.12 Shakespeare and the ”Live” Theatre Broadcast Experience This ground breaking collection of essays is the first to examine the phenomenon of how, in the twenty-first century, Shakespeare has been experienced as a ”live” or ”as-live” theatre broadcast b … EPUB Adobe DRM €33.65 Birgit E. Wiens: Contemporary Scenography Contemporary Scenography investigates scenographic concepts, practices and aesthetics in Germany from 1989 to the present. Facing the end of the political divide, the advent of the digital age and th … EPUB Adobe DRM €27.66 Alan Montgomery: Opera Coaching Opera Coaching: Professional Techniques for the Répétiteur, Second Edition, is an update to the first practical guide for opera coaches when working with opera singers to help them meet the physical … EPUB Adobe DRM €48.94 Dr Robert Stock: Celebrity Translation in British Theatre This book explores the impact that high-profile and well-known translators have on audience reception of translated theatre. Using Relevance Theory as a framework, the book demonstrates how prior kno … EPUB Adobe DRM €34.73 Następna strona >>> 0 0 Sprawdzić 0,00 × × × Zmień język użytkownika × ArabskiNiemieckiAngielskiHiszpańskiFrancuskiHinduskiIndonezyjskiWłoskiMalajskiHolenderskiPolskiePortugalskiRumuńskiRosyjskiSzwedzkiTajskiTureckiUkraińskiWietnamskiChińskiInternational Modal ×