Ekonomia WsparcieCatalogLiteratura faktuPolityka / ekonomiaBiografie, autobiografiePolitykaSpołeczeństwoEkonomia – ogólnieAdministracja biznesowaEkonomiaPieniądze, bank, giełdaNieruchomoscInne1 024 Ebooki w tej kategorii Yoshiko M. Herrera: Mirrors of the Economy As international institutions multiply and more governments sign on to standardized ways of organizing economies and societies, resistance to globalization persists. In Mirrors of the Economy, Yoshik … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €30.99 Roberto Mangabeira Unger: The Knowledge Economy Adam Smith and Karl Marx recognized that the best way to understand the economy is to study the most advanced practice of production. Today that practice is no longer conventional manufacturing: it i … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €25.99 Tai Wei Lim: LEADERSHIP: POLITICAL-ECO, REGION BUSINESS & SOCIO-COMMUNITY Political leadership styles in East Asian states are shaped and influenced by a number of domestic factors. These factors include the type of political system that an East Asian state adopted from th … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €35.99 Lowell Dittmer: CHINA’S POLITICAL ECONOMY IN THE XI JINPING EPOCH This book takes a fresh look at Chinese political economy at a key inflection point. Facing a more competitive international environment, Chinese reform has shifted from its earlier focus on economic … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €109.99 Friedrich Engels: The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844 Originally published in German in 1845 and translated into English in 1885, “The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844” is the influential study of the hazards of the Industrial Revolutio … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €9.49 Ralf Ruckus: The Communist Road to Capitalism The Communist Road to Capitalism explores how a dynamic of social struggles from below followed by countermeasures of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime has pushed the historical evolution of t … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €9.99 George Caffentzis: Civilizing Money ’Capitalist critique and proletarian reasoning fit for our time’ – Peter Linebaugh Taking the Scottish Enlightenment philosopher David Hume as its subject, this book breaks new ground in focusing its … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €26.99 Emil A. Røyrvik: The Allure of Capitalism The “managerial revolution, ” or the rise of management as a distinct and vital group in industrial society, might be identified as a major development of the modernization processes, similar to the … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €34.99 Owen Hatherley: A New Kind of Bleak This is what austerity looks like: a nation surviving on the results of what conservatives privately call 'the progressive nonsense’ of the Big Society agenda. In a journey that begins and ends in th … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €20.99 Harry Magdoff: Imperialism This volume contains a series of essays aimed at illuminating the theory, history, and roots of imperialism, which extend the analysis developed in Magdoff’s The Age of Imperialism. … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €16.99 Następna strona >>> 0 0 Sprawdzić 0,00 × × × Zmień język użytkownika × ArabskiNiemieckiAngielskiHiszpańskiFrancuskiHinduskiIndonezyjskiWłoskiMalajskiHolenderskiPolskiePortugalskiRumuńskiRosyjskiSzwedzkiTajskiTureckiUkraińskiWietnamskiChińskiInternational Modal ×