Materiały referencyjne WsparcieCatalogSchool / LearningPomoce naukowePrzedszkole, przedszkoleSzkoła podstawowaSzkoła średnia ISzkoła średnia IIMateriały referencyjneInne187 Ebooki w tej kategorii Steven L. Danver: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Online Education Online education, both by for-profit institutions and within traditional universities, has seen recent tremendous growth and appeal – but online education has many aspects that are not well understoo … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €449.99 Sheryl Koontz: Pre-Calculus Pre-Calculus is the academic step before the incorporation of Calculus principles applied to real and imagined universal problems. A student entering a Pre-Calculus environment should be familiar wit … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €2.99 Jeanette Bradley M. Ed.: Right Choice This Plan of Action section will present the basic concepts of the Right Choice Program. The suggestions for how to begin and then carry out the program are presented. Part IV deals with Right Choice … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €3.99 Robin Coale: One Spectacular Day Join Sam from the moment he awakens until dinnertime, as he is determined to have a good day. Sam makes good decisions all day long that help him to get ready for school, to do well in class, and to … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €3.99 Vonetta Kelley: Getting off Paper The purpose of Getting Off Paper is to provide information about Community Supervision (parole & probation) and reentry to those on parole, probation, released from incarceration, their families and … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €4.49 Wendi Pillars: Visual Note-Taking for Educators: A Teacher’s Guide to Student Creativity A step-by-step guide for teachers to the benefits of visual note-taking and how to incorporate it in their classrooms. We’ve come a long way from teachers admonishing students to put away their drawi … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €24.99 Sheryl Koontz: Common Grammar Errors (Speedy Study Guides) This pamphlet serves as a reference guide to assist with identifying common grammatical errors people may use either through speech or writing. … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €2.99 Andrew G. Kadar: The No-Bull Guide to Acing College Life ’Filled with priceless advice for college freshmen’ -Dr. Marye Anne Fox, Chancellor, University of California at San Diego Do you know what to expect when you start college? Let the wit and wisdom of … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €7.49 Maria Lissa Borce: There’s a Song for Everything It seems that there is not enough singing in pre-school these days, while we as educators get caught up with the demands of preparing children for formal schooling. Young children love to sing and mo … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €3.99 Dr. Carol A. Kotlowski: Leading Toward the Future The face of leadership has changed. Fewer organizations now rely on the leadership techniques of the past, and the stereotypical image of old white men in suits seems less connected to the reality of … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €3.99 Następna strona >>> 0 0 Sprawdzić 0,00 × × × Zmień język użytkownika × ArabskiNiemieckiAngielskiHiszpańskiFrancuskiHinduskiIndonezyjskiWłoskiMalajskiHolenderskiPolskiePortugalskiRumuńskiRosyjskiSzwedzkiTajskiTureckiUkraińskiWietnamskiChińskiInternational Modal ×