Organic Chemistry WsparcieCatalogNaukaChemiaOgólne, słownikiTeoretical ChemistryChemia nieorganicznaOrganic ChemistryPhysical ChemistryInne3 476 Ebooki w tej kategorii Manfred T. Reetz & Zhoutong Sun: Enzyme Engineering Enzyme Engineering An authoritative and up-to-date discussion of enzyme engineering and its applications In Enzyme Engineering: Selective Catalysts for Applications in Biotechnology, Organic Chemistr … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €142.99 Yan Xia & Masahiko Yamaguchi: Ladder Polymers Ladder Polymers An essential reference covering the latest research on ladder polymers Ladder polymers are a unique macromolecular architecture, consisting of a continuous strand of fused rings in th … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €142.99 Yuming Zhao: Organic Nanochemistry ORGANIC NANOCHEMISTRY How-to guide for entry-level practitioners to quickly learn the cutting-edge research concepts and methodologies of modern organic nanochemistry Organic Nanochemistry describes … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €90.99 Marine Desage-El Murr: Redox-Active Ligands Authoritative resource showcasing a new family of ligands that can lead to better catalysts and promising applications in organic synthesis Redox-Active Ligands gives a comprehensive overview of the … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €133.99 Jean-Michel Réveillac: Synthesizers and Subtractive Synthesis 1 Subtractive sound synthesis has been one of the most widely used techniques in electronic music and for many analog synthesizers since the early 1960s. It is based on a simple principle, but its oper … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €142.99 Tanja Gaich & Ekkehard Winterfeldt: Directed Selectivity in Organic Synthesis Bringing together examples that until now were often hidden and widely spread throughout the original literature, this textbook shows how to use the correct reagents, conditions or reaction sequences … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €55.99 Anthony K. Campbell: Intracellular Calcium Thousands of imaginative scientists, over more than a century, have revealed the fascinating story of intracellular calcium, through a pathway of ingenious invention and discovery. Intracellular Calc … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €242.99 Ryohei Yamaguchi & Ken-ichi Fujita: Ligand Platforms in Homogenous Catalytic Reactions with Metals Serving as a user’s manual for synthetic organic and catalytic chemists, this book guides chemists in the design and choice of ligands to catalyze organic reactions and apply the results for more eff … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €136.99 Anthony L. Andrady: Plastics and Environmental Sustainability Survey’s the issues typically raised in discussions of sustainability and plastics * Discusses current issues not covered in detail previously such as ocean litter, migration of additives into food p … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €90.99 Renzo Luisi & Vito Capriati: Lithium Compounds in Organic Synthesis This unique book covers fundamentals of organolithium compounds and gives a comprehensive overview of the latest synthetic advances and developments in the field. Part I covers computational and spec … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €178.99 Następna strona >>> 0 0 Sprawdzić 0,00 × × × Zmień język użytkownika × ArabskiNiemieckiAngielskiHiszpańskiFrancuskiHinduskiIndonezyjskiWłoskiMalajskiHolenderskiPolskiePortugalskiRumuńskiRosyjskiSzwedzkiTajskiTureckiUkraińskiWietnamskiChińskiInternational Modal ×