Geografia WsparcieCatalogNaukaNauki o ziemiOgólne, słownikiGeografiaUrbanistyka, planowanie przestrzenneGeologiaPaleontologyMineralogia, PetrografiaInne8 285 Ebooki w tej kategorii Andrew (Pixalytics Ltd., Plymouth, Devon, United Kingdom) Lavender & Samantha Lavender: Practical Handbook of Remote Sensing The number of Earth observation satellites launched in recent years is growing exponentially, along with the datasets they gather from free-to-access and commercial providers. The second edition of P … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.74 Patchin Frank Gee: Pony Rider Boys In The Alkali; Or, Finding A Key to the Desert Maze The Pony Rider Boys In The Alkali is a book of the Pony Rider Boys series which is well-written by Frank Gee Patchin. This collection of ideas by Sir Patchin attempts to compile many of his classic t … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.03 Tim Unwin: The Place of Geography The Place of Geography is designed to provide a readable and yet challenging account of the emergence of gepgraphy as an academic discipline. It has three particular aims: it seeks to trace the devel … EPUB Adobe DRM €79.58 Thomas Lane: Lithuania Lithuania restored her independence, after half a century of Soviet occupation, in the immediate aftermath of the failed Moscow coup in August 1991. As the multi-national Soviet state disintegrated, … EPUB Adobe DRM €231.66 Helen Meller: Patrick Geddes One of the great social thinkers of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, Sir Patrick Geddes (1854-1932) enjoyed a career of astonishing diversity. This new analysis of his life and work r … EPUB Adobe DRM €69.59 Steven Jackson: Britain”s Population Britain”s Population addresses issues relating to the demographic characteristics of British society. Many of the contemporary features of the population relate to changes in the past – particularly … EPUB Adobe DRM €62.00 Anne Buttimer & David (Kansas State University, USA) Seamon: The Human Experience of Space and Place Humanistic geography is one of the major emerging themes which has recently dominated geographic writing. Anne Buttimer has been one of the leading figures in the rise of humanistic geography, and th … EPUB Adobe DRM €59.05 Michael Pacione: Historical Geography: Progress and Prospect Historical geography has been a major area of activity in recent years. Much of the recent work and research findings have been extremely valuable to historians and archaeologists and as background t … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.70 Assefa Mehretu: Regional Disparity In Sub-saharan Africa This book is an outcome of research on African development from the standpoint of economic geography which I have been undertaking over the last four years. The initial impetus for the research was a … EPUB Adobe DRM €37.23 William C. Walton: Groundwater Pumping Tests This practical book ”Groundwarer Pumping Tests”, details concepts, techniques, field work, case studies, and microcomputer models-information designed to improve accuracy and reliability. The reade … EPUB Adobe DRM €322.49 Następna strona >>> 0 0 Sprawdzić 0,00 × × × Zmień język użytkownika × ArabskiNiemieckiAngielskiHiszpańskiFrancuskiHinduskiIndonezyjskiWłoskiMalajskiHolenderskiPolskiePortugalskiRumuńskiRosyjskiSzwedzkiTajskiTureckiUkraińskiWietnamskiChińskiInternational Modal ×