Differential geometry and topology have become essential tools for many theoretical physicists. In particular, they are indispensable in theoretical studies of condensed matter physics, gravity, and particle physics. This volume offers an introduction to recent developments in several active topics of research at the interface between geometry, topology, quantum fields theory and cosmology. Readership : Graduate students and researchers in theoretical and mathematical physics, Cos...
Differential geometry and topology have become essential tools for many theoretical physicists. In particular, they are indispensable in theoretical studies of condensed matter physics, gravity, and particle physics. This volume offers an introduction to recent developments in several active topics of research at the interface between geometry, topology, quantum fields theory and cosmology. Readership : Graduate students and researchers in theoretical and mathematical physics, Cosmology as well as geometry and topology La geometrie differentielle et la topologie sont devenues aujourd hui des outils essentiels en physique. En particulier, elles sont indispensables dans les etudes theoriques portant sur la physique des matieres condensees, la gravitation, et la physique des particules. Ce volume offre une introduction aux developpements recents dans divers domaines de recherche a l interface entre la geometrie, topologie, theorie quantique des champs et cosmologie. Ce livre s adresse a des etudiants et des chercheurs en physique theorique et mathematiques, en cosmologie, ainsi qu en geometrie et topologie.Jean-Michel Alimi, Abhay Ashtekar, Philippe Brax, Carsten van de Bruck, Anne-Christine David, Nicolas Franco, Andre Fuzfa, Eduardo Guendelman, Frederic Helein, Alex Kaganovich, Nabil Khouadji, Joseph Kouneiher, David Langlois, Philippe G. Le Floch, Fedele Lizzi, Jean-Pierre Luminet, Sylvain Maillot, Ghani Zeghib