Spis treści
List of abbreviations
Section 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 Forty Year Evolution of High Throughput Mass Spectrometry: A Perspective.
Thomas R. Covey
Section 2 L...
Spis treści
List of abbreviations
Section 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 Forty Year Evolution of High Throughput Mass Spectrometry: A Perspective.
Thomas R. Covey
Section 2 LC-MS
Chapter 2 The Lead Sampler (LS-1) sample delivery system: integrated design and features for high- efficiency bioanalysis
Brendon Kapinos and John Janiszewski
Chapter 3 Evolution of Multiplexing technology for high throughput LC/MS analyses
Adam Latawiec
Section 3 ESI-MS without chromatographic separation
Chapter 4 Direct Online SPE-MS for High-Throughput Analysis in Drug Discovery
Andrew D. Wagner, Wilson Z. Shou
Chapter 5 Acoustic Sampling for Mass Spectrometry: Fundamentals and Applications in High- Throughput Drug Discovery
Chang Liu, Lucien Ghislain, Jonathan Wingfield, Sammy Datwani, Hui Zhang
Chapter 6 Recent advances in ion mobility-mass spectrometry for drug discovery
Xueyun Zheng, Dylan H. Ross, Aivett Bilbao, and Richard Smith
Chapter 7 Differential Mobility Spectrometry and its Application to High Throughput Analysis
Bradley B. Schneider, Leigh Bedford, Chang Liu, Eva Duchoslav, Yang Kang, Subhasish Purkayastha, Aaron Stella, Thomas R. Covey
Section 4 Special Sample Arrangement
Chapter 8 Off-line Affinity Selection Mass Spectrometry and its Application in Lead Discovery
Christopher F. Stratton, Lawrence M. Szewczuk, Juncai Meng
Chapter 9 On-line Affinity Selection Mass Spectrometry
Hui Zhang, Juncai Meng
Chapter 10 Native Mass Spectrometry in Drug Discovery and Development
Mengxuan Jia, Jianzhong Wen, Olivier Mozziconacci, Elizabeth Pierson
Section 5 Other Ambient Ionization other than ESI
Chapter 11 Laser Diode Thermal Desorption-Mass Spectrometry (LDTD-MS): Fundamentals and Applications of sub-second analysis in Drug discovery environment
Pierre Picard, Sylvain Letarte, Jonathan Rochon, Réal E. Paquin
Chapter 12 Accelerating Drug Discovery with Ultrahigh-Throughput MALDI-TOF MS
Sergei Dikler
Chapter 13 Development and applications of DESI-MS in drug discovery
Wenpeng Zhang
Section 6 Conclusion
Chapter 14 The impact of HT-MS to date and it’s potential to shape the future of metrics-based experimentation and analysis
Mathew D. Troutman