Autor: Charlotte Backerra

Christian Mühling, Dr. phil., war wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Neuere Geschichte an der Universität Würzburg.

6 Ebooki wg Charlotte Backerra

Milinda Banerjee & Charlotte Backerra: Transnational Histories of the 'Royal Nation’
This book challenges existing accounts of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in which political developments are explained in terms of the rise of the nation-state. While monarchies are often por …
Norman Domeier & Christian Mühling: Homosexualität am Hof
Galt der Hof jahrelang als überschätzte, vollständig erforschte Institution, so ist er unter den Vorzeichen einer erneuerten Politik- und Kulturgeschichte zuletzt wieder in den Fokus der Geschichtswi …
Charlotte Backerra: Wien und London, 1727–1735
International relations of the early modern period were as essential as today, but research has until now been limited to specific topics or relations, often with a focus on for example British or Fr …
Roberta (Bath Spa University College, UK) Anderson & Charlotte Backerra: Confessional Diplomacy in Early Modern Europe
Confessional Diplomacy in Early Modern Europe examines the role of religion in early modern European diplomacy. In the period following the Reformations, Europe became divided: all over the continent …
Roberta (Bath Spa University College, UK) Anderson & Charlotte Backerra: Confessional Diplomacy in Early Modern Europe
Confessional Diplomacy in Early Modern Europe examines the role of religion in early modern European diplomacy. In the period following the Reformations, Europe became divided: all over the continent …
Florian Kühnel & Christine Vogel: Zwischen Domestik und Staatsdiener
Frühneuzeitliche Diplomatie war durch eine zunehmende Professionalisierung des Botschaftspersonals und der Verwaltungsroutinen gekennzeichnet – so die gängige Vorstellung. Insbesondere seien die zuvo …