Berthold Traub is a system specialist in the group Scientific Services NFI at the Swiss Federal Institute of Snow and Landscape Research WSL. He did a diploma in forestry at the University of Freiburg i. Br., where he also completed a Ph D. He began his career as a researcher working in the Swiss NFI program at WSL with a focus on statistical inventory methods, international reporting and the analysis of inventory data. While working in the private sector, he gained further experience in managing large data analysis applications and software validation in a regulated environment. In his current role, he is responsible for managing and maintaining the integrated data-analysis applications of the Swiss NFI, as well as for coordinating regional forest inventories in Switzerland. His research focus is on data quality, particularly on the reproducibility of data collected from field samples.
Christoph Fischer is a forestry scientist. His background is in forestry and forest ecology, as well as tropical and international forestry. He received his doctorate from Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany, where he gained in-depth experience in techniques for conducting forest inventories and in remote sensing. He also planned, led and evaluated the first, sample-based forest inventory of Burkina Faso. Since 2011, he has carried out research for the Swiss National Forest Inventory (NFI) on resource availability and forest recreation. He actively participates in international projects on the harmonisation of wood resource assessments using NFI data. He is author and co-author of various scientific articles and book chapters. Since 2018, he has been head of the Swiss NFI’s module on protective forests.
17 Ebooki wg Christoph Fischer
Christoph Fischer & Berthold Traub: Swiss National Forest Inventory – Methods and Models of the Fourth Assessment
The Swiss National Forest Inventory (NFI) is a forest survey on national level which started in 1982 and has already reached its 5th survey cycle (NFI5). It can be characterized as a multisource and …
Christoph Fischer: Der Weg eines Sohnes
Auf eine authentische, lebensnahe Art nimmt uns Christoph Fischer mit auf seine Reise zu einer innigen Beziehung zu Gott und in seine Berufung hinein. Dabei scheut er sich nicht, die Herausforderunge …
Christoph Fischer: Ludwika
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, Ludwika Gierz, uma jovem polonesa, e forcada a deixar sua familia e ir para a Alemanha nazista, onde trabalhara para um oficial da SS. La, Ludwika tem que aprender a …
Christoph Fischer: A Sorte da Família Weissensteiner
Na sonolenta Bratislava, em 1933, uma garota romântica apaixona-se por um assistente de vendas de uma livraria, em Berlim. Greta Weissensteiner, filha de um tecelão judeu, casa com um alemão e passa …
Christoph Fischer: Sebastian
Sebastian es la historia de un joven que, debido a un desafortunado incidente, le amputan la pierna poco antes de la I Guerra Mundial. Así, cuando su padre es llamado a filas para la guerra, le toca …
Christoph Fischer: O Curandeiro
Quando a publicitária Erica Whittaker é diagnosticada com câncer terminal, a medicina ocidental a falha. A única esperança que resta para ela sobreviver é o polêmico curandeiro Arpan. Ela locali …
Christoph Fischer: El Sanador
Cuando la publicista Erica Whittaker es diagnosticada con cáncer terminal, la medicina occidental falla. La única esperanza que le queda para sobrevivir es el controvertido sanador Arpan. Ella locali …
Paul De Grauwe: Dimensions of Competitiveness
Leading economists analyze the multiple factors that drive competitiveness among nations in world markets.Competitiveness among nations is often approached as if it were a sports competition: some co …
Christoph Fischer: El Sino de Greta
Una parte de la historia vista desde la perspectiva de una familia judia y sus amigos durante el periodo de la II Guerra Mundial. Un encadenamiento de circunstancias desde el punto de vista historico …
Christoph Fischer: Ludwika
È la seconda guerra mondiale e Ludwika Gierz, una giovane donna polacca, è costretta a lasciare la sua famiglia e ad andare nella Germania nazista per lavorare per un ufficiale delle SS. Lì, si trova …
Christoph Fischer: Ludwika
Es la Segunda Guerra Mundial y Ludwika Gierz, una joven polaca, se ve forzada a abandonar su familia e ir a la Alemania nazi a trabajar para un oficial de las SS. Alli, su vida pende siempre de un hi …
Christoph Fischer: Ludwika
Es ist der Zweite Weltkrieg und Ludwika Gierz, eine junge Polin, die ihre Familie verlassen muss um in Nazideutschland für einen SS-Offizier zu arbeiten. Dort muss sie eine Gratwanderung durchmachen …
Christoph Fischer: Sebastian
Sebastian è la storia di un giovane che, a causa di uno sfortunato incidente, gli viene amputata una gamba poco prima della prima guerra mondiale. Quando suo padre viene arruolato in guerra, tocca a …
Silke Fischer & Christoph Fischer: Moderne Fremdsprachen: Englisch
Dieser Band zeigt spannende Fakten und Besonderheiten des Englischen auf. Auf unterhaltsame Art und Weise werden zahlreiche Phänomene im linguistischen und alltäglichen Kontext erläutert und mit ande …
Silke Fischer & Christoph Fischer: Moderne Fremdsprachen: Englisch
Dieser Band zeigt spannende Fakten und Besonderheiten des Englischen auf. Auf unterhaltsame Art und Weise werden zahlreiche Phänomene im linguistischen und alltäglichen Kontext erläutert und mit ande …
Christoph Fischer: Der Wunderheiler
Als bei der Werbefachfrau Erica Whittaker Krebs im Endstadium diagnostiziert wird, lasst die westliche Medizin sie im Stich. Die einzige Hoffnung, die ihr bleibt, ist der umstrittene Heiler Arpan. Si …
Christoph Fischer: Das Gluck der Weissensteiners
In der verschlafenen Stadt Bratislava verliebt sich im Jahr 1933 ein romantisches Madchen in einen Buchhandler aus Berlin. Greta Weissensteiner, Tochter eines judischen Webers, lebt sich langsam in d …