Autor: Claire Bennett

Claire Bennett owns a training company in Nepal, works for US-based global citizenship education company Where There Be Dragons and freelances as a development education consultant.Daniela Papi-Thornton”s interest in volunteer travel began with her work in Cambodia as the founder of PEPY Tours, and she became an international advocate for a learning-first approach to the volunteering movement.Joe”s teenage experiences volunteering in Latin America and the Philippines led to a lifetime of learning, writing, and lecturing about the impact of US policies on the lives of the world”s impoverished majority. He is co-founder of the Institute for Food and Development Policy (Food First); a Guggenheim Fellow recognized for his work on issues of inequitable development; and a Distinguished Visiting Lecturer at the University of California Santa Cruz. His books include Food First, World Hunger: 10 Myths, Chile”s Free-Market Miracle: A Second Look, No Free Lunch, Philippines: Fire on the Rim, and Aid As Obstacle. Collins has been a consultant in Africa, Asia and Latin America to UN and international non-governmental organizations. He lives and surfs in Santa Cruz, California.Zahara Heckscher lived a life dedicated to social justice, tirelessly campaigning on a wide range of social issues from ending apartheid in South Africa to ensuring cancer patients in the US have access to life-saving medicines.

4 Ebooki wg Claire Bennett

Claire-Louise Bennett: Teich
Vom Geheimtipp zur weltweit gefeierten literarischen Sensation. Claire-Louise Bennett erzählt vom Alltag in einem einsamen Cottage an Irlands Westküste und verwandelt persönliches Erleben in soghafte …
Claire-Louise Bennett: Kasse 19
»10 Best Books of 2022.« The New York Times Book Review »Brillant, einzigartig, feministisch. Claire-Louise Bennett ist eine großartige Autorin.« Sinéad Gleeson Mit atemberaubender Intensität erzählt …
Claire Bennett: Eclipsed Hearts
Claire Bennett: Haunting Love