Author’s Description: Dr.Clement E. Falbo is a mathematics Professor Emeritus at Sonoma State University, where he taught for 35 years. He is the author of several journal articles in mathematics, including the widely read 'The Golden Ratio-A Contrary Viewpoint’ in the College Mathematics Journal (2005). His article, 'Almost Goldbach Theorems’ in The Mathematical Gazette (2021) is also popular.
In addition to this calculus book, he has written three other books on mathematics, 'Finite Mathematics, Applied’, Wadsworth (1977), 'Math Odyssey 2000′, Stipes publishing (1994), and 'Mathematical Milestones’, Reading Glass Books (2023).
In 1999 he and his wife Jean Ann Falbo, a biologist, served in the U.S. Peace Corps in the African nation of Zimbabwe. Together, they taught African High school students mathematics and science. He has three sons, six grandchildren and five great grandchildren.