This book attempts to draw together a theory of the unconscious dynamics of groups and how these interact in powerful ways with geography, technology and psychological development. The argument is made that powerful forces operating outside of awareness shape and are shaped by geographical factors (spatiality). Further, the idea is forwarded that technology, which is unevenly distributed spatially and has potent unconscious meanings, is a largely unrecognized and potent vector in shaping human interactional dynamics at both overt and covert levels. Finally these complex interactions are yoked to Dabrowski’s theory of positive disintegration, which again offers another useful explanatory perspective. Process notes on a psychodynamically-oriented large group with persons carrying diagnoses of severe mental illness are appended and there are notes on the Discourse of the Clown and Derrida’s “differance”.
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Clive Hazell is a Counseling Psychologist who has a private practice in Chicago, Illinois. He has published several books on group dynamics and emotional development.