Exploring the relationship between fiction and nation formation in the Muslim world through 12 unique studies from Azerbaijan, Libya, Iran, Algeria, and Yemen, amongst others, this book shows how fiction reflects and relates the complex entanglements of nation, religion, and modernity in the process of political and cultural identity formation.
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On the Contributors
Novel and Nation in the Muslim World: An Introduction; Elisabeth Özdalga
1. The End of Literary Narratives?; Gregory Jusdanis
2. Writing the Future in Early Turkish Republican Literature; Azade Seyhan
3. Becoming Azerbaijani Through Language: On the Impact of C?lil M?mm?dquluzad?’s Anam?n Kitab?; Zaur Gasimov
4. The Kurdish Novel and National Identity-Formation Across Borders; Hashem Ahmadzadeh
5. Nedjma: Kateb Yacine’s Deconstruction of Algeria’s Colonial Historiography; Abdelkader Aoudjit
6. For Bread Alone: How Moroccan Literature Let the Subalterns Speak; Florian Kohstall
7. Mahattat: 'Stations’ on the Road to the Libyan Nation; Teetz Rooke
8. Deconstructing Nation and Religion: Young Saudi Women Novelists; Madawi al-Rasheed
9. Wajdi al-Ahdal and the Broken Yemeni Nation; Sören Hebbelstrup
10. Popular Religion and the Entry into Political Modernity as Seen in The Last of the Angels; Sami Zubaida
11. Utopia and Dystopia in Early-Modern Persian Literature: Representations of the Advent of Modernity to Iran; Claus Valling Pedersen
12. Indian Shi?a Muslims and the Idea of Home in Rahi Masoom Reza’s Work; Torkel Brekke
Afterword: Nations and Fictions; Daniella Kuzmanovic
O autorze
Hashem Ahmadzadeh, Institute for Research and Development – Kurdistan, Erbil, Iraq Madawi Al-Rasheed, London School of Economics, UK Abdelkader Aoudjit, Northern Virginia Community College, USA Torkel Brekke, University of Oslo, Norway Zaur Gasimov, Orient Institute Istanbul (DGIA/Max Weber Foundation), Turkey Søren Hebbelstrup, Royal Danish Defence College, Copenhagen, Denmark Gregory Jusdanis, Department of Classics, Ohio State University, USA Florian Kohstall, Freie Universität Berlin at the German Science Center in Cairo, Egypt Daniella Kuzmanovic, Institute for Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Elisabeth Özdalga, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey Tetz Rooke, University of Gothenburg in Sweden Azade Seyhan, Bryn Mawr College, USA Claus Valling Pedersen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Sami Zubaida, University of London, UK