Professional learning and development for higher education personal tutors and academic advisors.
With contributions from 50 practitioners from across the sector, this text examines the key themes, theories and concepts relevant to personal tutors and academic advisors and translates these into real-world practice. Case study narratives from a range of settings demonstrate how student learning and outcomes can be improved, and related critical thinking activities encourage reflection on how these learnings can be applied in specific contexts. The book provides invaluable insights and support for all personal tutors and academic advisors, enabling practitioners to learn from each other, develop innovative ideas, and feel part of a community of learning.
Please also see Effective Personal Tutoring in Higher Education for the themes on which the case studies in this collection are based.
Spis treści
Case study 1 Supporting student employability through integrated research exposure and a curriculum- embedded skills module
Case study 2 The power of future planning: empowering personal tutors to have effective careers and employability conversations
Case study 3 A data- focused approach to personalising central support programmes and complementing personal tutoring
Case study 4 Making belonging explicit by design
Case study 5 Dissonant discourses: constructing a consistent personal tutoring experience across the whole university
Case study 6 The ‘anatomy’ of a solutions- focused coaching conversation in personal academic tutoring
Case study 7 Developing an effective institutional personal tutoring and development framework to support student success
Case study 8 How a student and staff partnership informed the co-creation of an online professional development course for personal tutors
Case study 9 ‘Talking the talk and walking the walk’ of personal tutoring: using structured continuing professional development opportunities to inform, develop and empower personal tutors
Case study 10 Refreshing the academic advising system through co-creation and consensus development
Case study 11 Ask PAT: how the introduction and implementation of an e-portfolio approach transformed the nature of student support and development
Case study 12 Personal tutoring for ‘vulnerable’ and ‘at risk’ students: is there value in a differentiated approach?
Case study 13 Supporting Arts and Humanities student development and progression through integrating reflection into personal tutoring
Case study 14 A ‘whole of institution’ approach: what does a culture of advising and tutoring really involve?
Case study 15 Levelling up: from reactive to proactive – shifting the narrative of academic tutoring from problems to solutions
Case study 16 What do the students think? Evaluating academic advising across an institution using the Listening Rooms method
Case study 17 A framework for personal tutoring: system and activity
Case study 18 Using Social Identity Mapping in personal tutorials to aid students in their transition and social integration into and throughout higher education
Case study 19 Personal tutoring as a USP: what happens when personal tutoring is made a priority?
Case study 20 Professional large group mentoring as an alternative to the ‘traditional’ personal tutoring system
Case study 21 Moving from distributed to centralised academic advising: making the case for change
Case study 22 Exploring the values of personal tutoring via a level 7 academic practice module
Case study 23 Student success coaching: developing a model that works to enhance personal tutoring and student success
Case study 24 Introducing group personal tutoring to improve student engagement
Case study 25 The Hero, The Professional and The Nurturer: the challenge for personal tutoring to negotiate identities within systems of practice in higher education
O autorze
Ben W Walker is a senior lecturer in Educational Development at Oxford Brookes University where he supports colleagues to gain fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, delivers staff development and undertakes educational research projects. In previous roles at the University of Lincoln, Manchester Metropolitan University and the University of Derby, he supported a wide range of trainee teachers and existing practitioners. He was programme leader of the Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education and has been an invited keynote speaker at national and international conferences. As co-author of books and journal articles on personal tutoring, he is at the forefront of professional development and research in this field and committed to developing it further. Find out more about Ben at